Dirty Windshield

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brian Lamendola, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. Hello,

    I have a '97 Accord with 47,500 miles that has recently developed a problem.
    I've begun driving a good distance almost daily and, from the road grime, bugs,
    and other substances, my windshield has become extremely dirty.

    I clean it and it looks clean, but when the light shines on it, you can see the
    glass is still stained by small specks, making vision nearly impossible when
    the light is angled just right.

    I have heard I can scrub the glass with a very light abrasive material, such as
    steel wool, just enough to get the contaminants off. Is this true and will it
    work without scratching?

    Does anyone have any other ideas? This is proving to be an extremely annoying
    problem that I'd love to correct.

    Thank you.

    - Brian
    Brian Lamendola, Oct 21, 2003
  2. Brian Lamendola

    Jeff Tamblyn Guest

    Your windshield is damaged. Get a new one-your insurance should pay for it
    as it's a safety issue.
    Jeff Tamblyn, Oct 21, 2003
  3. Turtle wax makes a bug and tar remover, you should be able to find it at
    any local auto parts store, walmart/kmart.... Try that. You can use
    it on your bumper too to get the bugs and grime off.

    Daniel Hausman, Oct 21, 2003
  4. Brian Lamendola

    Pete Guest

    Before you try the steel wool, try claybar, and then wash the windshield
    with a rag soaked in vinegar. I wet paper towels with vinegar, and then
    spread them on the windshield for 5-10 minutes.


    Pete, Oct 21, 2003
  5. Brian Lamendola

    aMAZon Guest

    Why vinegar? I thought ammonia was supposed to be "the" windshield
    glass cleaner.

    We've got some Rain-X on our windshield that we need to get off. Sigh.
    Would the claybar work on that, as well?
    aMAZon, Oct 21, 2003
  6. Brian Lamendola

    Pete Guest

    Yeah, I've heard the ammonia works too. I just had good luck with vinegar

    It should, followed by vinegar, just to make sure. ;-)


    Pete, Oct 21, 2003
  7. Brian Lamendola

    jim Guest

    try some rubbing alcohol and some old newspaper(not the colored pages,
    just black and white print) and scrub the glass off with this and you
    will be surprised at how clean the window gets.... use newspaper that
    you dont get ink on your hands with.. we have a free weekly newspaper
    that you get the black ink on your hands just from reading it... our big
    city daily got away from the cheap ink on the papers about 30 yrs. ago..
    jim, Oct 21, 2003
  8. Brian Lamendola

    EZ Guest

    I use Bon Ami kitchen cleanser to clean all my windshields. I had heard
    along time ago that Bon Ami was used by wiper manufacturers to get the glass
    completely clean to test wiper blades. I travel the interstate a lot, 36K a
    year, and it definately cleans all the road grime. Wet the glass first, then
    sprinkle on Bon Ami and sponge it in a crcular motion,then rinse

    I then follow up with a fresh coat of Rain-X

    Do a google search and you'll find a lot of references.


    EZ, Oct 22, 2003
  9. Brian Lamendola

    E. Meyer Guest

    Your windshield is basically "sand blasted". Those little specs are
    actually pits in the glass. The only real fix is to replace it.
    E. Meyer, Oct 22, 2003
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