?? Do all aftermket air-intake filters whistle ??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JP, Dec 25, 2003.

  1. JP

    JP Guest

    I have a car, that is not a honda, but I know most of u honda owners like to
    upgrade these cars for performance gains that is why I am asking u guys this
    question. I bought this Akimoto universal air filter cone and replaced my
    hard plastic hose with a soft plastic/rubber 3" hose coz its longer to reach
    the corner so it can get fresh air. In the filter box, it said that it would
    make a harmonic whistling sound, but I cannot hear that. I've heard cars
    that do whislte and they say its the air intake. My question is, Do I have
    something restricting the air suction? Should the air throtle bodies(my car
    has two) be claned? Thanks for any sugestion.
    JP, Dec 25, 2003
  2. I recently read some info. in a book related to this subject. The entire
    chapter was related to air filters. The author of the book said that some
    after market air filters make much more noise than regular air filters.
    This is mainly because the car companies in most cases place the air
    filters in a special plastic compartment that keeps down the noise. Many
    makers of after market air filters require you to remove the plastic
    compartments and mount a air filter that is NOT inside a plastic
    compartment. Those air filters cause more noise--some more than
    others--but work great. If you can't hear the noise--that's great. Keep
    making use of the filter. The faster you go--the more sound it will make.
    If you hear a whistling sound when going over 80 mph--don't worry about
    Bill B. Johnson, Dec 26, 2003
  3. Usually people that remove their "restrictive" stock air intake units and
    put on a free flowing aftermarket item with no cover also have a loud ass
    Folger's can on the back of their exhaust system which doesn't allow you to
    hear anything happening under the hood anyway due to the excessive exhaust

    Although the aftermarket air filter units do allow more airflow the air they
    are sucking in is generally hot air from the engine compartment. The hot
    air as we all know reduces horsepower on the scale of about 1 % for every 10
    degree increase in air inlet temperature. Additionally, although I purchased
    a K and N filter years ago for another vehicle, I am not sure I would do it
    again. I have checked out a lot of information on the cleanable filters
    with the gauze/cotten filter media on the internet and although it does
    allow more air to pass it also allows more particulates to pass which
    contribute to accelerated engine wear.

    So I guess there is good and bad points to both units.

    CaptainKrunch, Dec 26, 2003
  4. Captain Krunch,
    Excellent post. I could only add that some of the after market air
    filters--used mainly by people that race their cars or enter car shows
    --are made to allow fresh cold air to enter the filter. These types of
    filter systems cost more but work better than those filters that are
    mounted inside the engine compartment. Those expensive types of after
    market filter systems are not needed for regular people that don't race or
    display their cars in car shows.
    Bill B. Johnson, Dec 27, 2003
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