?? Do all aftermket air-intakes whistle ??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JP, Dec 25, 2003.

  1. JP

    JP Guest

    I have a car, that is not a honda, but I know most of u honda owners like to
    upgrade these cars for performance gains that is why I am asking u guys this
    question. I bought this Akimoto universal air filter cone and replaced my
    hard plastic hose with a soft plastic/rubber 3" hose coz its longer to reach
    the corner so it can get fresh air. In the filter box, it said that it would
    make a harmonic whistling sound, but I cannot hear that. I've heard cars
    that do whislte and they say its the air intake. My question is, Do I have
    something restricting the air suction? Should the air throtle bodies(my car
    has two) be claned? Thanks for any sugestion.
    JP, Dec 25, 2003
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