Don't buy a honda after year 2k?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Sam Steele, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. Sam Steele

    Sam Steele Guest

    Mechanics I talk to say not to get a Honda after model year 2000. That
    Honda really cheapened their cars and did away with a lot of the things that
    made them uniquely Honda and different in a better way.
    Sam Steele, Nov 26, 2004
  2. What?? My wife and I have an '02 CRV and 03 Civic. Have 0ver 30,000 on the
    CRV an about 22,000 on the Civic. Not a single problem on either!
    Joel Blutfield, Nov 26, 2004
  3. Sam Steele

    SoCalMike Guest

    i just dont care for the styling or suspension, myself. im keeping my
    98. i do like the older, 88-91 civics. low cowl, nice styling.
    SoCalMike, Nov 26, 2004
  4. Sam Steele

    Paul Cardoza Guest

    What???? I have a 2003 V6 Accord and a 2003 S2000. Between them
    these are 70,000 trouble free miles. No problems, no squeaks and
    rattles. I'd recommend either to anybody.
    Paul Cardoza, Nov 26, 2004
  5. Sam Steele

    kyle lallave Guest

    by chance were they mechanics from another company?!?! if sdo they just want
    u to buy their cars. me whole family has hondas my sis, dad,and mom have
    2000+ accords and civic...all have not 1 single problem with it..the
    mechanic u talked to is a fuckin dumbass
    kyle lallave, Nov 26, 2004
  6. Sam Steele

    jim beam Guest

    i love that vintage civic too. based on what i've seen, including the
    abandonment of wishbone suspension, there's no way i'd buy a post 2000
    honda. yes, i know the accords still use wishbones, but when the next
    gen accord abondons them too, we'll know for sure that honda is now run
    by bean counters, not car enthusiasts like it used to be.
    jim beam, Nov 26, 2004
  7. Sam Steele

    Net-Doctor Guest

    Fuel for a fire, especially in this forum. I would challenge them to be
    more specific in thier gripes. We have had some design related issues, but
    each generation of Honda is built on a previous design, with changes made to
    improve performance and reliability. Unlike some domestic automakers (who
    shall remain nameless), Honda's aim is to make a better product for less
    money; ultimately that is the only way to survive the competition.

    BTW...I have five Accords sitting in my driveway right now, with a total
    of over 750,000 collective miles, and I'll take Honda any day of the week
    over the next best thing.

    Net-Doctor, Nov 26, 2004
  8. Sam Steele

    SoCalMike Guest

    and toyota does that too.
    i like honda, but i wouldnt be "above" switching to toyota or its scion
    division. i dont think one is noticeably better than the other.
    SoCalMike, Nov 26, 2004
  9. Sam Steele

    Net-Doctor Guest

    Doc is admittedly biased towards Honda after having been on the payroll for
    nearly twenty years...
    Net-Doctor, Nov 26, 2004
  10. Sam Steele

    jim beam Guest

    how many of those are post-2000 vehicles?
    jim beam, Nov 26, 2004
  11. Sam Steele

    Pars Guest

    That's why I bought a 1998 Civic and a 2000 Civic (both new from

    At the time, I didn't need a mechanic to tell that Honda was listening to
    the bean counters
    when they released 2001. When I got the 2000 Civic EX, the 2001 were just
    starting to
    arrive into the lots. The price of the 2000 EX and the 2001 LX was the same
    (and both cars
    were similarly equipped). Lucky for me, I went with the smart buy.

    Pars, Nov 26, 2004
  12. Sam Steele

    Dart Board Guest

    Here's my opinion. I bought two Accords new over the years, a '84
    hatchback and a '94, both automatics. My pov is more about the
    maintenance side. The '84 died after the transmission conked out
    after 8 years and 65k miles. Yep, 65k miles. I spent an average
    $400-600 per year on regular maintenance through an independent
    mechanic. Really liked that hatchback, rust and all. When I got the
    $2k+ estimate to fix the tranny, it was time to move on. Still had
    bad memories about the repair bill from the timing belt that gave out

    Year and a half later I got the '94. I have spent roughly between
    $500 in the "cheap" years and $1k+ per year in the "expensive" years
    on regular maintenance and repairs through the dealership, give or
    take a year or two. This year was an "expensive" year. Just paid my
    $1,200 bill for the latest bunch of repairs which included leaky
    distributor subassembly, valve rings, etc. Mileage on the '94 is
    under 55k and I don't drive like a maniac. I like the '94 Accord
    (although less than the '84 hatch) but the upkeep is expensive.
    Shooting the breeze with a couple mechanics they told me expect about
    the same for the new Accords. I'm sure that after reading this
    message, now dozens of Accord owners will chime in replies on how they
    maintain their Accords for less than $100 a year with 100k mileage but
    that hasn't been my experience. I have the bills to prove it.
    Dart Board, Nov 26, 2004
  13. Sam Steele

    SoCalMike Guest

    crappy luck. my only non-maintenance expense was an oxygen sensor
    earlier this year on my 98 civic hatch.
    SoCalMike, Nov 27, 2004
  14. Sam Steele

    Dee Guest

    Dang, you've had some bad luck. I have a '94 Accord EX with 125+K miles on
    it. The only thing I've done is replace the timing belt (scheduled
    maintenance which I'm about to do again) and new cv axles. I've had it for 8
    years. Best car I ever owned.
    I hope you have better luck from here on out because that's really unusually
    high maintenance for Hondas.

    I like the '94 Accord
    Dee, Nov 27, 2004
  15. Sam Steele

    slim Guest

    I will NEVER get rid of my 96 Civiv Coupe.

    IMHO the best the ever made.

    "Bubba got a BJ, BU$H screwed us all!" - Slim
    George "The AWOL President" Bush:
    WHY IRAQ?:
    slim, Nov 27, 2004
  16. Sam Steele

    SoCalMike Guest

    if my car got ripped off, id look for an 88-91 civic wagovan, in
    excellent shape.
    SoCalMike, Nov 27, 2004
  17. Sam Steele

    Net-Doctor Guest

    I don't doubt your history for this car at all; I don't think you have any
    reason to make up or exaggerate anything. I also have a '94 Accord Ex, and I
    have to say it is my least favorite of all of my Accords. Little things
    about the car (none of which specifically come to mind at the moment) have
    disappointed me about this model year from early on.
    Two things worth noting about the '94 model year:
    1) It was a complete model change for the Accord, with the previous
    family beginning in '90 and ending in '93.
    2) I firmly believe this was the first generation engineered largely in
    the US, some of the engineering carrying over from Japanese design and some
    newly involved American design. I think these two factors largely made it a
    dismal year for the Accord.
    I have a '98 EX as well (fifth? gen Accord-'98~'02) , and I have had
    some problems with it that were corrected in successive releases. Also worth
    noting about 2003 and later L4 automatic transmission: it was a major design
    change from previous L4 ATM. Included some significant advancements which
    apparently has made it a very reliable assembly in the L4 Accords.
    Net-Doctor, Nov 27, 2004
  18. Sam Steele

    SoCalMike Guest

    it definately wasnt a good generation. seemed smaller than the previous
    car. i seem to see more of the previous gen on the roads than that gen.
    SoCalMike, Nov 27, 2004
  19. From a reliability standpoint, it appears that Toyota is as good, if
    not a tad better than Honda. However, in my limited experience, the
    Hondas always seem to be more of a driver's car than the comparable
    Toyota. That appeals to me more and more as time goes on.

    As for this "after Y2K" stuff; I have been following this Newsgroup
    since 1996 and it seems that someone is always saying, "Honda doesn't
    make them like they used to. It seems like I have come full circle
    and the ones that weren't 'made like they used to' are now the ones
    that the new models aren't as good as.

    I have owned Honda's continuously since 1974, having owned models from
    1974 (Civic),
    1980 (Accord),
    1986 (Integra),
    1994 (Integra GS-R) and
    1998 (Odyssey).

    (I still own the last two.) While it is still too early to say about
    the 1998, I can honestly say that each of the cars before it was
    significantly better than the previous model for reliability,
    durability and driving enjoyment. (OK, for driving enjoyment I
    actually preferred the Civic over the Accord and there is no way the
    Ody compares to the GS-R in driving experience but you know what I
    mean.) Each car had its idiosyncrasies and its strong points where it
    was superior over the next model. But overall the improvement in
    quality is dramatic when you skip ahead six years or so.

    Will the 2004s break the trend? Well, I will buy one in maybe three
    or four years. Then I will drive it for seven or eight. I will
    report back in 2015 or so and let you know.
    Gordon McGrew, Nov 28, 2004
  20. Sam Steele

    SoCalMike Guest

    eh. my favorite generation of civics has to be the 88-91, and accords
    the 90-94. ive never owned any of em- just the 98 i drive now. its ok,
    but bloated compared to the 88-91 hatches.
    SoCalMike, Nov 29, 2004
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