Dont' call me an ahole for this one. Large woman ruin my seat?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by same.tom.t, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. same.tom.t

    same.tom.t Guest

    So I took my new 2007 Crv to my sister's. Just over 40 miles on it :)

    Went inside to visit. Looked outside and her large nearly 300lb friend
    was sitting my driver's seat! I didn't think to lock my doors. And why
    people seem to think they can treat someone's new car like it is on
    the dealer lot is beyond me.

    So without sounding like a pig, are my seat springs ruined?? It seems
    fine to me I suppose. I am just kind of pissed at this.
    same.tom.t, Jun 7, 2007
  2. I wouldn't worry about it. While 300 is quite large, many people
    weigh 220 or 240. Honda has to assume that the owner may weight that
    much (or more) and spend hundreds of hours bouncing along in that
    seat. Compared to that, a few minutes of static 300 pounds is
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 7, 2007
  3. same.tom.t

    jmattis Guest

    I know exactly what you mean, although it is not likely that damage
    was done in a short time frame unless she was bouncing around trying
    out the new seat.

    I've got an ex-friend whose Caprice's seat was canted at a strange
    rearward angle and twisted too. He was built like a refrigerator and
    habitually moved around a lot, rather forcefully. I made a decision
    years ago that if we ever patched up our friendship, he was never
    stepping into my car. Manic depressive nut job, I'm well enough off
    without him.
    jmattis, Jun 7, 2007
  4. same.tom.t

    jim beam Guest

    1. that's a caprice.
    2. it was more likely fatigue rather than static load.
    jim beam, Jun 7, 2007
  5. same.tom.t

    jim beam Guest

    you're evidently more bent than your honda is. forget it. and lock
    your freakin' car!
    jim beam, Jun 7, 2007
  6. same.tom.t

    Kansas Bob Guest

    Depends. Did she fart on it-- and if she did, are the seats cloth or
    Kansas Bob, Jun 7, 2007
  7. same.tom.t

    jmattis Guest

    1. that's a caprice.
    Static? I'll give you static. Everybody wants to sound like an
    engineer. ; ^ )

    It was bent up steel caused by seat supports being pushed past their
    elastic limit.
    jmattis, Jun 8, 2007
  8. same.tom.t

    jim beam Guest

    it could well be, but did you dissect the seat to check? most collapsed
    seats i've seen have been through fatigue, not static overload.
    jim beam, Jun 9, 2007
  9. same.tom.t

    Tony Harding Guest

    Great, trust you to raise the level of discourse on the NG. ;)
    Tony Harding, Jun 9, 2007
  10. same.tom.t

    Tony Harding Guest

    What makes you suspect they might be ruined? All you said is that a
    300lb person sat in it for a short while.

    Not a flame, but it sounds to me more that you have a problem with your
    sister's friend's weight than any damage to your car. I'm completely
    sympathetic, BTW, about strangers climbing into one's new car. Next time
    just set the alarm (assuming it has one). If the alarm sounds as soon as
    she opens the door, I bet she runs the 100m in Olympic time. :)
    Tony Harding, Jun 9, 2007
  11. same.tom.t

    Speedy Pete Guest

    Funniest thing I've seen on this newsgroup in a long time!!!
    Speedy Pete, Jun 11, 2007
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