Don't ever give your phone number to Clair Honda Service

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mvl_groups_user, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. Don't ever give your phone number to Clair Honda Service (West Roxbury,

    They (without any permission) put your number in a autodialer computer
    (even for cell phones), and call you repeatedly with "discount service
    offers" for years after a service visit.

    Calling their employees, supervisors, or the FCC to remove your number
    has no effect on them as I doubt they even know how to remove a phone
    number from their autodial comptuers.

    The phone calls come in from 800-815-9907, which is probably a third
    party vendor they outsource their advertising to.

    mvl_groups_user, Nov 9, 2006
  2. mvl_groups_user

    Tom Levigne Guest

    This should be common sense for most people. Don't give your real address
    either if you live in the US or they will send you junk mail which will pile
    up and if you are away certain kinds of people who are criminals will know
    you are away and rob your house. Again, this should be common sense but
    some people just don't have this I guess.

    Tom Levigne, Nov 10, 2006

  3. Agreed. I only gie my contact info to reputable institutions that I
    would expect to trust. I'm warning others that Clair Honda should not
    be trusted with phone numbers.
    mvl_groups_user, Nov 10, 2006
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