Door lock relay - 90 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Frank Boettcher, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. Anyone ever try to take apart and repair/rebuild the door lock relay
    on a 90 or thereabouts accord. My doors lock individually but do not
    lock all together from the drivers seat or the key. Manual indicates
    it is that relay. Before I take the panel off, I wonder if I should
    just buy a replacement or try a repair.

    Frank Boettcher, Jan 11, 2006
  2. Frank Boettcher

    JustLearning Guest

    I bought the part that fits inside the door pannel and found it farther
    back then I could reach so I let Honda put in the parts. It costs an
    arm and a leg each time they do it on our 98 Accord. If you find an
    easy way to do it please let me know.
    JustLearning, Jan 11, 2006
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