Door Locks & Defoggers ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by steve, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. steve

    Jim Yanik Guest

    no,it doesn't.
    63 deg "incredibly moist air" is not a "primary" reason for AC.

    AC is primarily to remove -heat- from the interior,not moisture.
    The vast majority of AC usage is for HOT interiors.

    People do not get into their hot cars and say "oh,it's too humid in
    here,turn on the AC",they think "it's too HOT,turn on the AC" to remove the
    heat,to get COOL AIR flowing on them,cooling them.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 12, 2009
  2. steve

    Jim Yanik Guest

    but if the heated environment is cooled(heat removed by AC),then the body
    doesn't absorb heat from it.Instead,it loses heat,by evaporation and
    radiation.(and conduction)

    removing heat from the body without removing it from the auto interior is
    an exercise in futility.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 12, 2009
  3. no,it doesn't.
    63 deg "incredibly moist air" is not a "primary" reason for AC.[/QUOTE]

    But you said "cool air" is why you want A/C.

    I say, cool it all you want--the human body will hate it that way.

    And the windows won't defog, which was the problem the original poster
    had with his old car.

    so you're saying that when it's cool, they simply don't use their A/C.
    Right? Because if it's cool, you don't need A/C.

    People generally don't think about the body's cooling mechanism, usually
    out of ignorance.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 12, 2009
  4. steve

    Jim Yanik Guest

    But you said "cool air" is why you want A/C.[/QUOTE]

    YOU said auto AC's PRIMARY use was dehumidification.It's not.
    The PRIMARY purpose is to provide cool air,to remove heat from the
    interior.Auto AC is primarily used on HOT days.
    Not on any hot day.
    windows don't fog up on hot days,which is the -majority- of AC usage.
    Sure,a secondary use is defogging(with the addition of heat from the engine
    cooling system..),but not the -primary- use,as you claim.
    Generally,they don't.Hardly at all,compared to hot day usage.
    In fact,auto owner manuals all emphasize that operators should run the AC
    pweriodically during cool weather to keep seals lubed.
    That shows that people generally do NOT use AC in cooler weather.
    Most people forget about AC in cooler weather.
    Ah,a subtle insult.A sure sign of losing an argument.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 13, 2009
  5. steve

    jim beam Guest

    1. think about it - radiation isn't going to cool in an environment
    where ambient exceeds human temp. evaporation can and does.

    2. just so you're doubly sure on the concept, do the math on the amount
    of heat lost for a 10' delta in radiation vs evaporation.
    jim beam, Jun 13, 2009
  6. yes, and in fact I've seen ignorant people DEMAND that Honda disable the
    feature that turns on the AC every time you hit the windshield defrost
    button--because they absolutely INSIST that it shouldn't happen that
    way, period.

    I also see people in modern A/C equipped cars that don't do that,
    driving around in damp weather with fogged windows.

    Ignorance is rampant.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 13, 2009
  7. steve

    News Guest

    "Ignorant?" In your opinion, apparently.

    In most cases quite aware, and prefer the alternate default behavior.
    News, Jun 13, 2009
  8. steve

    Jim Yanik Guest

    So you finally admit that the majority of users DON'T use AC -for- humidity
    removal,thus it cannot be the -primary- reason for AC.
    Thanks for proving my point.
    You call them "ignorant";maybe they just don't like the AC coming on
    without them specifically turning it on.
    Who wants the AC coming on when it's cold outside and the windshield is
    FROSTY? In cold weather,the air is typically "dry";low humidity.No need to
    remove humidity.All you need then is heat.

    You're too quick to use the term "ignorant".

    Perhaps -most- autos do NOT turn the AC on for windshield defrost.

    there you go again.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 13, 2009
  9. steve

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Thus the AC supplying COOL air,removing heat from the interior.
    When the interior's heat is removed,the body no longer needs to perspire.

    and the cool air affects the body sooner than any humidity reduction.
    In the desert air example,the air is already bone dry,but AC is necessary
    to -remove HEAT- from the auto interior,for the body to be comfortable.
    you do the math,and present it.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 13, 2009
  10. You call them "ignorant";maybe they just don't like the AC coming on
    without them specifically turning it on.[/QUOTE]

    When they drive around with fogged windows because "I don't need the AC
    on, it's 63 degrees outside!" then they're ignorant.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 13, 2009
  11. steve

    jim beam Guest

    dude, no disrespect, but that is /very/ unclear.

    no, you do it.

    then google for boltzmann
    jim beam, Jun 13, 2009
  12. steve

    Jim Yanik Guest

    When they drive around with fogged windows because "I don't need the
    AC on, it's 63 degrees outside!" then they're ignorant.[/QUOTE]

    perhaps they aren't hitting the DEFROST button to defog their windows.
    It would be "ignorant" to force them into that mode against the user's
    most of the time,just adding a little bit of heat defogs a window,no need
    to run AC and lower one's gas mileage and performance.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 13, 2009
  13. steve

    Jim Yanik Guest

    How clear does it have to be for you?
    Hot,DRY air needs no humidity removal.

    But for a person to be comfortable,removal of excess -heat- is necessary.
    No matter how much moisture you pull out of the interior air,it's not going
    to make you comforatble until you dump the HEAT from the interior,that is
    what's making you sweat in the first place.
    It's called addressing the ROOT of the problem.

    But,heck,maybe repeating this isn't going to sink in for you.
    Hey;YOU made the claim,you provide the math/evidence.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 13, 2009
  14. They are--they're getting warm moist air building up inside the car
    because the A/C isn't on, removing the moisture.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 13, 2009
  15. steve

    Jim Yanik Guest

    ever think people may want to DEFROST their windows with the DEFROST
    control? (that actually just directs the -air flow- to the windshield
    instead of other vents.)
    Maybe they just want to direct some heat onto the window to clear it.
    Maybe they DONT WANT to run the AC unless they push the AC button.

    you seem to think that one uncommon situation is the -primary- reason for
    AC,and it's NOT.

    AC's PRIMARY purpose is to remove heat from the interior.
    That is what it's used for the most often.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 14, 2009
  16. No, it's not.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 14, 2009
  17. steve

    Jim Yanik Guest

    you agreed in an earlier post.

    here's a replay of your earlier post;
    So you finally admit that the majority of users DON'T use AC -for- humidity
    removal,thus it cannot be the -primary- reason for AC.
    Thanks for proving my point.
    You call them "ignorant";maybe they just don't like the AC coming on
    without them specifically turning it on.
    Who wants the AC coming on when it's cold outside and the windshield is
    FROSTY? In cold weather,the air is typically "dry";low humidity.No need to
    remove humidity.All you need then is heat.

    You're too quick to use the term "ignorant".

    Perhaps -most- autos do NOT turn the AC on for windshield defrost.

    there you go again.

    End replay.

    You agreed with me,but now are back to your original nonsense that a seldom
    used situation is a "primary" reason for AC.

    Perhaps you need to learn what "primary" means.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 14, 2009
  18. steve

    Brian Smith Guest

    Apparently it is the class that many people should be in here. ;^)
    Brian Smith, Jun 14, 2009
  19. steve

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Fewer people in the room. That's got to cool it down, some.
    Once the air temp gets above ~96 F, the human body can't effectively
    radiate any heat, since the air is now warmer than the skin. And once
    RH goes above about 70%, perspiration becomes less effective. Which
    is why it sucked to be in Houston this weekend.

    - dillon I am not invalid

    "Gee, Jimmy,I'm sorry to hear that your girlfriend
    turned out to be a Cylon."
    -Special Agent Tim McGee, "NCIS"
    Dillon Pyron, Jun 15, 2009
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