DPF filter ? no warning...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Niels S. Eliasen, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. Hi
    I have an CR-V 2007 model (Diesel), and have three times "regenerated" the DPF filter...
    (all within 100000 km)
    the funny thing... is that I regularly drive on highway (130km/hour for hours)..
    so the filter should clean itself.. but does not! and I did not get any warning from the
    DPF warning lamp.. it just went on directly.. and then you get into "limp-home-mode" ...
    Anyone seen anything like this?
    and more importantly .. what can be done about this ??
    Niels S. Eliasen, Jun 1, 2010
  2. Niels S. Eliasen

    jim beam Guest

    is it not still under warranty? were the last two times also not under
    jim beam, Jun 2, 2010
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