driving over antifreeze

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JXStern, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. JXStern

    JXStern Guest

    Some kind of goop leaked from a locker in the parking area and I
    parked in it - thought it was water at the time.

    Is any tire damage likely from a day's parking in antifreeze, or any
    other sort of greenish automobile liquid likely to be in an old locker
    full of such crap?


    JXStern, Jun 18, 2007
  2. JXStern

    rick++ Guest

    Sure it wasnt toothpaste?

    (Sick current events joke.)
    rick++, Jun 18, 2007
  3. JXStern

    E Meyer Guest

    If it was just anti-freeze, then no problem. Green goop could be
    practically anything though. How do you know it was an automobile liquid?
    E Meyer, Jun 18, 2007
  4. JXStern

    JXStern Guest

    Neighbor's locker, 99% stuff for automotive fiddling.

    I just hosed it out, still not sure, might have just been soap.
    Nobody home to open the locker and see what spilled.


    ps - toothpaste, heh.
    JXStern, Jun 18, 2007
  5. JXStern

    rick++ Guest

    Chinese chemical companies have been selling glycerol -
    a cheap poisonous chemical that lowers water freezing temp -
    as glycerine - a pricey safe oil used in cosmetics and food.
    Killed 40 children in Haiti a few years back.
    rick++, Jun 19, 2007
  6. JXStern

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    Also been showing up in "counterfeit" Crest and Colgate containers being
    sold in many of the $1 type stores.
    Joe LaVigne, Jun 19, 2007
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