Driving without adequate ATF.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve Lee, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. Steve Lee

    GBannish Guest

    Sometimes its difficult to know what transmission filter goes on what car. I
    just replaced the filter on my 97 E150 and it was completely different than the
    replacement I bought. An older Autozone worker discovered that I had a 96
    transmission on my 97 vehicle, and explained that oftentimes the first cars
    made in a new year are really last years model!! So it's possible for an
    honest mistake.
    GBannish, Feb 14, 2004
  2. Steve Lee

    flawed jai Guest

    our local news station did a hidden camera investigation on 'convenience
    lube' places, juffy lube included, and caught the staff at several
    chains deliberately 'creating' problems for customers that their cars in
    fact didn't need at all. the camera crew recorded the mechanics doing
    things like keeping bogus containers of fluids -long gone bad- in the
    back of the shop, and surreptitiously dipping the ATF dipstick in that
    instead of the customer's actual car engine, and coming out to show them
    the dirty fluid on the stick and solicitously emoting how 'we'll fix you
    right up, good thing we caught this" and then completely replacing their
    entire volume of ATF when in fact the car didn't need ANY. this is how
    the crooked places make their money. a person who maintains their car
    conscientiously and well won't make them any money!! everything is clean
    and in good repair!! so they 'invent' some trouble to run up the price.
    i swear, your tale sounds like jiffy lube ran you around and then
    tripped themselves up into thir own nightmare.
    BTW- the managers and bosses are in on it.
    the only such chain they found was trustworty was Econo-lube. they did
    only what was needed, they showed the customer each honest step, and
    charged only what the car needed. if it needed nothing, they told you
    everyone else was doing this ripoff of 'finding' problems and inflating
    the bill and taking up your time.

    one of the funniest was seeing the crew drive a brand new car with
    'virgin' fluids into an EZ lube, and recording the mechanic, opening the
    various chambers and clucking and presenting them with dirty dipsticks
    of each of the various fluids.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and then the guy lied about it, when confronted!!!!!!!!!!
    econo lube. nobody else. at least in los angeles.
    flawed jai, Feb 16, 2004
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