Dumb Question...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by AngusBull, May 12, 2006.

  1. AngusBull

    AngusBull Guest


    I just got a 06 Pilot Ex and want to get a trailer hitch
    installed. The dealership quoted me at about $600 for the all the
    neccesary equipment and installation. I found the hitch online for
    much cheaper (obviously) but the installation is a little more trouble
    than what I want to deal with. What are the chances the dealership
    will let me buy the parts from the internet myself and have them
    install it for me?
    Your choices of dealer responses are:

    A) They will laugh me off.
    B) Slim to none.
    C) "Sure but don't call us if it breaks"
    D) Dealerships aren't out to make money just satisfiy the customer.
    E) Just depends on the dealership
    AngusBull, May 12, 2006

  2. -------------------------------------

    Doesn't the trailer hitch kit include a tranny cooler as well? I'd put
    one in and shorten the maintenance interval on the ATF if you start
    towing anything heavy / far.

    'Curly Q. Links', May 12, 2006
  3. AngusBull

    AngusBull Guest

    It's not included and I doubt I will be towing that much that far.
    AngusBull, May 12, 2006
  4. AngusBull

    Paul Guest

    : It's not included and I doubt I will be towing that much that far.
    I have seen it written (maybe in this group) that Honda will refuse to honor
    a warranty claim for a transmission problem on a vehicle that has a hitch
    installed but no transmission cooler. Don't know whether that's true, but...
    new transmissions are expensive, I'm told.

    Paul, May 13, 2006
  5. AngusBull

    Eric Guest

    Many of Honda's AT models already use an ATF cooler. It's built into the
    radiator. If the transmission has fluid lines that go to the bottom of the
    radiator, then your model has the built-in cooler.

    Eric, May 13, 2006
  6. AngusBull

    hondaman Guest

    just ask the dealer if they'll install the hitch for you and if not go to a
    well run automotive welding shop and save yourself some $$$$. who wants to
    be ripped off by dealers?

    hondaman, May 13, 2006
  7. AngusBull

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    Look for someone in the trailer business, and see what they recomend.
    N.E.Ohio Bob, May 13, 2006
  8. AngusBull

    AngusBull Guest

    Thanks for the info guys. I am calling the dealership today and will
    see what I can swing. Especially thanks for the not about the lack of
    a transmission cooler and warranty claim problems.
    AngusBull, May 13, 2006
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