Dying by degrees ('91 Integra gs)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by zZero, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. zZero

    zZero Guest

    OK I exaggerate. Little things have died. More things than on my 1983
    Accord I sold in 2000. First there was the rip in the fabric on the
    left edge of the drivers seat. A cancer developed in the foam below. I
    stitched in a tan patch which lasted for a couple of years. Then some
    of the dashboard lights (heater /defroster stuff) would only come on if
    I whacked the dash board. Now they don't (maybe a brief flicker). The
    heater intensity switch went and now I adjust the temp by monkeying
    under the dash a couple of times per/yr. Then the little plastic piece
    that keeps the drivers lap-belt available (below left side of drivers
    seat) broke. Now the key won't open the hatch (WD-40 hasn't helped)
    though the inside lever still works. The auto itself runs just fine
    (only 136K) and burns no oil. I've repaired some rust spots below the
    drivers side rear window. Some are forming on the back of the car (to
    be expected i guess). Anyone else have these problems on this model?
    zZero, Mar 18, 2005
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