EGR valve????

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by hisame2332, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. hisame2332

    hisame2332 Guest

    How long can I keep driving w/ my check engine light on (caused by EGR
    valve) on a 1998 honda prelude??? Is the EGR valve that important??? any
    assistance would be tremendously appreciated...
    thanx in advance...
    hisame2332, Sep 4, 2005
  2. hisame2332

    jim beam Guest

    not very long. pull the code and determine the exact problem. if
    you've already done that, post the code along with your
    yes, it regulates emissions and reduces combustion temperature. that in
    turn reduces oil consumption & extends the life of "hot" components like
    exhaust valves.
    jim beam, Sep 4, 2005
  3. hisame2332

    hisame2332 Guest

    I'm not sure what the code exactly looks like... but the guy at Autozone
    gave me a ticket that reads, "Wells... EGR4045... O.E.M. #18011-P13-00"
    Does this mean that I have to change the entire valve or just the
    thanx again...
    hisame2332, Sep 4, 2005
  4. hisame2332

    Steve H Guest

    What engine?
    Some 2.2 Honda's clog the passages and cause egr problems, not a big fix and
    cheap too.

    Stephen W. Hansen
    ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician
    ASE Undercar Specialist
    Steve H, Sep 5, 2005
  5. hisame2332

    TeGGeR® Guest

    You're going to have to be more careful in your reportage. That code is

    Valid standard EGR codes:

    P0401 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Insufficient Flow

    P0404 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Control Circuit Range/Performance

    P0406 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve Position Sensor Circuit High
    Valid enhanced EGR codes:

    P1491 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve Insufficient Lift

    P1498 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve Position Sensor Circuit High

    P2413 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) System Range/Performance Problem
    TeGGeR®, Sep 5, 2005
  6. hisame2332

    hisame2332 Guest

    Sorry about that... I believe the code is "P0401"... should I replace
    it or should I clean it??? Is the latter pretty simple to do or should I
    just go to a mechanic???
    thanx again...
    hisame2332, Sep 5, 2005
  7. hisame2332

    Guest Guest

    EGR is important.

    it is emission related so if your EGR not working right than i think
    your car will not run right.

    EGR sents the exhaust gas back to the combustion chamber to reduce nox.
    Guest, Sep 6, 2005
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