Electrical problem question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Sean, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. Sean

    Sean Guest

    I know it is difficult to diagnose a problem over a message posting,
    but I thought I would try to see if anyone has had a problem like this

    CAR: 1997 Honda Accord SE
    Mileage: 105,000

    Problem: Recently brought it to the dealer to have the 100k service
    done to include all belts, tune-up, etc. A problem has since started
    where I will be driving about 40 to 60 mph and the SPEDOMETER will be
    where my speed is at, then drop to zero, and then recover back to the
    speed at which I was going. In addition, the radio power goes
    completely off and then back on. The radio does not reset - it's as
    if I turned the power off and then back on.

    I can not determine what is causing it... it happens very
    intermittently, all temperatures of the day, always with my car lights
    off (during the day is when it happens), no cruise control on....

    Any ideas where to start? I brought it into the dealership and they
    were like "Well we can't reproduce it..." I know its easier to
    diagnose it when it happens, but since I can not repeat it, I was
    wondering if anyone had any ideas or experience on this?

    Thanks for your help,
    Sean, Apr 29, 2004
  2. Sean

    E. Meyer Guest

    You are in the range for the bad ignition switches (that were recalled on
    some models). This is consistent with early symptoms. If it is the switch,
    it will progress after a while to where the engine cuts out as well, then
    eventually the panel will go dark, engine will stall and won't restart for
    several minutes (until the contacts in the switch cool down). The part is
    only about $35 and its relatively easy to replace.

    If the switch is good, then you are looking for a loose connection or frayed
    insulation somewhere and it will be difficult to track it down. If you have
    the wiring diagram, start tracing back to a common ground or fuse that feeds
    all the things that are going dark.
    E. Meyer, Apr 29, 2004
  3. Sean

    Honda Doc Guest

    Your Accord is part of the ignition switch recall. Have it done ASAP.
    Honda Doc, Apr 30, 2004
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