electrical problems w/ 90 Integra

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dan, May 19, 2004.

  1. Dan

    Dan Guest

    ok here is the deal i have a 1990 and when i bought it it had a b16a
    in it i know about hondas and all but i am having problems with it
    like the temperture gauge fluxuates like goes hot and then back to
    cold and stuff and i know it isnt really getting hot cant smell it or
    nothign but it fluxuates... then when im trying to start it it
    sometimes has like no charge to the battery and i have had the battery
    and alternator checked and the starter is brand new too.... but here
    is the deal the guy i got it from said something about it haveing been
    wired somehow to that u dnt need to push the clutch in to start

    so the problems i am having is the temp gauge fluxuates really bad hot
    and cold and someitmes it will start with no problem and sometimes it
    wont start at all like it has no charge.... need help asap....

    another problem i am having is sometimes it hits vtec and sometimes it
    doesnt hit vtec need to know what that is.... thanks in advance......

    might add any chance any one knows of an online site that would have
    the electrical wiring for this car...
    Dan, May 19, 2004
  2. Dan

    Jim Yanik Guest

    You need a new thermostat.Make sure you get the right temp TS for your
    car's make and model.I recommed buying one from the dealer.
    Could be a bad ignition switch.
    The engine has to be fully warmed up for VTEC to engage. If your thermostat
    or engine coolant temp (ECT)sensor is bad,no VTEC.
    You could buy a Haynes manual for $20 from any autoparts store,then you'd
    have something you can take right out to the car while you work on it.
    Jim Yanik, May 19, 2004
  3. Dan

    motsco_ _ Guest

    Look at the reservoir, it should be half full. If empty look in rad and
    make sure it's full to the top, then fill reservoir half-full of diluted
    antifreeze. Use distilled, not tap water. Read sticker under hood.
    then when im trying to start it it
    Do a Google search and see if your symptoms sound like 'honda ignition
    switch' Clean battery terminals and other ends where cables attach.
    Check for snugness.
    Reply to group when you find out how full the rad was.
    motsco_ _, May 19, 2004
  4. Dan

    jim beam Guest

    checking the reservoir is unreliable - it relies on suction to replenish
    the rad, so _any_ air leakage defeats it. many is the time i've seen a
    perfectly filled reservoir and an empty rad! always check the rad cap -
    when cool!
    jim beam, May 19, 2004
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