Element cracking windshields- Honda hides?

Discussion in 'Element' started by John Roden, May 4, 2004.

  1. John Roden

    John Roden Guest

    I have been reading about a frame defect in new elements that causes
    the windshilds to crack on the passenger side lower. I'm concerned
    (just bought one) about the dealer responses that tend toward blaming
    the customer, despite the Honda TSB on the issue and the growing
    number of complaints to NHTSA.

    Is this a typical Honda response to a quality defect?
    John Roden, May 4, 2004
  2. John Roden

    Sean D Guest

    Unfortunately, yes. Just ask all the people with 03/04 Accord who have a
    rattling roof liner, or door, or center console. All are possible design
    flaws and Honda doesn't have a fix for any of them.
    Sean D, May 4, 2004
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