Enable DRL on 2005 US Spec CR-V?

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by RWM, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. RWM

    RWM Guest

    Is there an OEM relay, say from a Canadian spec CR-V, that can enable a
    DRL function on a US spec car?

    How about best aftermarket kit to burn the high beams at reduced voltage
    as DRLs?


    - RWM
    RWM, Oct 20, 2004
  2. The obvious question is why bother? When the conditions warrant it, you can
    reach over and turn on your low beams. High beams are reduced voltage are
    a very stupid idea.
    Alex Rodriguez, Oct 20, 2004
  3. The obvious question is why bother? When the conditions warrant it, you can
    reach over and turn on your low beams. High beams are reduced voltage are
    a very stupid idea.
    Alex Rodriguez, Oct 20, 2004
  4. RWM

    RWM Guest

    That's one point of view to consider, but the fact is that you don't get
    a 10% insurance discount for acting responsibly when conditions warrant
    (in which case you'd want normal lamps, not DRLs), you get the discount
    because you have DRLs installed... That's "why bother". And reduced
    power highs is one way some aftermarket kits do that.
    RWM, Oct 20, 2004
  5. RWM

    RWM Guest

    That's one point of view to consider, but the fact is that you don't get
    a 10% insurance discount for acting responsibly when conditions warrant
    (in which case you'd want normal lamps, not DRLs), you get the discount
    because you have DRLs installed... That's "why bother". And reduced
    power highs is one way some aftermarket kits do that.
    RWM, Oct 20, 2004
  6. RWM

    Woody Guest

    I looked into it on my 04 Odyssey and found it took a different wiring
    harness and a DRL controller. Not worth the effort.
    Woody, Oct 20, 2004
  7. RWM

    Woody Guest

    I looked into it on my 04 Odyssey and found it took a different wiring
    harness and a DRL controller. Not worth the effort.
    Woody, Oct 20, 2004
  8. It is stupid that an insurance company would give a discount for something
    that has no proven benefits. Also, high beam DRL's are stupid because the
    aiming of the light puts it right at eye level of other road users. Even
    at reduced voltage, it is annoying.
    Alex Rodriguez, Oct 20, 2004
  9. It is stupid that an insurance company would give a discount for something
    that has no proven benefits. Also, high beam DRL's are stupid because the
    aiming of the light puts it right at eye level of other road users. Even
    at reduced voltage, it is annoying.
    Alex Rodriguez, Oct 20, 2004
  10. RWM

    dold Guest

    Is that why some Ford SUVs and trucks appear to have their high beams on?
    Now that I have lowered my eye level by buying a Honda Civic, I notice
    glaring headlights in my rearview mirror. They are almost always Fords.
    Studying the annoying light after flipping the mirror to "night", it seems
    like the lens is fully illuminated, unlike the half-lit appearance of a low
    beam. It doesn't seem likely that all of these folks are running on high
    beam, but I might believe that they have their headlights off, enabling
    DRL. The fact that their headlights is right at my eye level doesn't help,
    but most other SUVs and trucks don't have that effect.
    dold, Oct 20, 2004
  11. RWM

    dold Guest

    Is that why some Ford SUVs and trucks appear to have their high beams on?
    Now that I have lowered my eye level by buying a Honda Civic, I notice
    glaring headlights in my rearview mirror. They are almost always Fords.
    Studying the annoying light after flipping the mirror to "night", it seems
    like the lens is fully illuminated, unlike the half-lit appearance of a low
    beam. It doesn't seem likely that all of these folks are running on high
    beam, but I might believe that they have their headlights off, enabling
    DRL. The fact that their headlights is right at my eye level doesn't help,
    but most other SUVs and trucks don't have that effect.
    dold, Oct 20, 2004
  12. RWM

    Larry Guest

    There are inexpensive kits out there to convert your headlights to DRL.
    Just do some web searching. Its not difficult, as the son of one of my
    employees who worked at a high end stereo shop added this to a Nissan PU
    .....seems like the kit ran $30-$40 or so.
    Larry, Oct 20, 2004
  13. RWM

    Larry Guest

    There are inexpensive kits out there to convert your headlights to DRL.
    Just do some web searching. Its not difficult, as the son of one of my
    employees who worked at a high end stereo shop added this to a Nissan PU
    .....seems like the kit ran $30-$40 or so.
    Larry, Oct 20, 2004
  14. RWM

    RWM Guest

    Sure, there are kits to be found by googling. Then there are "best kits",
    which might be recommended by those who have used them. Hence the request.
    RWM, Oct 21, 2004
  15. RWM

    RWM Guest

    Sure, there are kits to be found by googling. Then there are "best kits",
    which might be recommended by those who have used them. Hence the request.
    RWM, Oct 21, 2004
  16. RWM

    motsco_ _ Guest


    It's a good idea. Search here:


    motsco_ _, Oct 21, 2004
  17. RWM

    motsco_ _ Guest


    It's a good idea. Search here:


    motsco_ _, Oct 21, 2004
  18. RWM

    Nightdude Guest

    About usefulness of DRLs. They have been proven to work well here in Canada.
    And personally,
    I can judge the speed better, when someones comes towards me than without
    any DRLs. And mostly,
    lots of people don't bother putting lights before sunset or sunrise, making
    them difficult to see and there are some jackasses that
    don't put lights even in the heaviest rain fall, fog or snow storm.
    Nightdude, Oct 21, 2004
  19. RWM

    Nightdude Guest

    About usefulness of DRLs. They have been proven to work well here in Canada.
    And personally,
    I can judge the speed better, when someones comes towards me than without
    any DRLs. And mostly,
    lots of people don't bother putting lights before sunset or sunrise, making
    them difficult to see and there are some jackasses that
    don't put lights even in the heaviest rain fall, fog or snow storm.
    Nightdude, Oct 21, 2004
  20. RWM

    Sparky Guest

    Pardon my ignorance, but what is "DRL"?
    Sparky, Oct 21, 2004
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