Enable DRL on 2005 US Spec CR-V?

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by RWM, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. RWM

    Brian Smith Guest

    Perhaps it is the general lack of concern executed by vehicle drivers, that
    is the cause of the blinding glare. For example, the improperly loaded trunk
    or pickup bed, that has the vehicle's lights aimed higher than legally
    Brian Smith, Oct 22, 2004
  2. RWM

    Brian Smith Guest

    Isn't that the truth. Makes you wonder what exactly the drivers are looking
    for when their lights are aimed at the treetops.
    Brian Smith, Oct 22, 2004
  3. RWM

    Brian Smith Guest

    Isn't that the truth. Makes you wonder what exactly the drivers are looking
    for when their lights are aimed at the treetops.
    Brian Smith, Oct 22, 2004
  4. RWM

    motsco_ _ Guest


    I get a charge out of watching cars go bye on the highway in a snow
    storm or fog.... They look like they're trying to communicate with the
    'mother-ship' by pointing one headlight into the upper reaches of the

    motsco_ _, Oct 22, 2004
  5. RWM

    motsco_ _ Guest


    I get a charge out of watching cars go bye on the highway in a snow
    storm or fog.... They look like they're trying to communicate with the
    'mother-ship' by pointing one headlight into the upper reaches of the

    motsco_ _, Oct 22, 2004
  6. RWM

    tomb Guest

    Brian Smith wrote:
    | ||
    || 1/4 of the vehicles on the road seem to have one headlight pointed
    || at JUPITER. That could be part of the problem to begin with. . :-(
    | Isn't that the truth. Makes you wonder what exactly the drivers are
    | looking for when their lights are aimed at the treetops.

    Their ape relatives, perhaps?
    tomb, Oct 23, 2004
  7. RWM

    tomb Guest

    Brian Smith wrote:
    | ||
    || 1/4 of the vehicles on the road seem to have one headlight pointed
    || at JUPITER. That could be part of the problem to begin with. . :-(
    | Isn't that the truth. Makes you wonder what exactly the drivers are
    | looking for when their lights are aimed at the treetops.

    Their ape relatives, perhaps?
    tomb, Oct 23, 2004
  8. RWM

    Brian Smith Guest

    LOL! That could be the answer.
    Brian Smith, Oct 23, 2004
  9. RWM

    Brian Smith Guest

    LOL! That could be the answer.
    Brian Smith, Oct 23, 2004
  10. RWM

    Larry Guest

    And how much is the discount that GEICO offers for DRL in % or $?
    Larry, Oct 23, 2004
  11. RWM

    Larry Guest

    And how much is the discount that GEICO offers for DRL in % or $?
    Larry, Oct 23, 2004
  12. RWM

    Abeness Guest

    Wholly agreed. Particularly in dark country areas, I often have a very
    difficult time seeing my side of the road when someone with about 10M
    candle-power shooting off their front bumper comes along in the opposite
    direction. At least with my power mirrors I can simply aim them down
    when they run up behind me...
    Abeness, Oct 25, 2004
  13. RWM

    Abeness Guest

    Wholly agreed. Particularly in dark country areas, I often have a very
    difficult time seeing my side of the road when someone with about 10M
    candle-power shooting off their front bumper comes along in the opposite
    direction. At least with my power mirrors I can simply aim them down
    when they run up behind me...
    Abeness, Oct 25, 2004
  14. RWM

    me Guest

    The big lie about DRL's being safe. It's proven that they don't do any

    me, Oct 28, 2004
  15. RWM

    me Guest

    The big lie about DRL's being safe. It's proven that they don't do any

    me, Oct 28, 2004
  16. RWM

    me Guest

    Here is a bit of text regarding DRL's from the following website.

    The first, last and only large scale U.S. study that has been completed and
    published on the effects of DRLs as safety devices, was conducted by the
    insurance industry supported Highway Loss Data Institute. The results;
    vehicles equipped with DRLs were involved in more accidents than similar
    vehicles without DRLs. The difference was minimal. but the meaning was
    strait forward, DRLs aggravate other motorists, obscure directional lights,
    waste fuel, "mask" other road users that don't have headlights on, or don't
    have headlights period (pedestrians and bicyclists) and their net effect on
    accident reduction is zero or worse.

    me, Oct 28, 2004
  17. RWM

    me Guest

    Here is a bit of text regarding DRL's from the following website.

    The first, last and only large scale U.S. study that has been completed and
    published on the effects of DRLs as safety devices, was conducted by the
    insurance industry supported Highway Loss Data Institute. The results;
    vehicles equipped with DRLs were involved in more accidents than similar
    vehicles without DRLs. The difference was minimal. but the meaning was
    strait forward, DRLs aggravate other motorists, obscure directional lights,
    waste fuel, "mask" other road users that don't have headlights on, or don't
    have headlights period (pedestrians and bicyclists) and their net effect on
    accident reduction is zero or worse.

    me, Oct 28, 2004
  18. RWM

    RWM Guest

    For the Highway Loss Data Institute's ** actual ** position on DRLs,
    see: http://www.iihs.org/safety_facts/qanda/drl.htm

    Numerous insurance companies offer discounts for their use... Think
    about it.
    RWM, Oct 28, 2004
  19. RWM

    RWM Guest

    For the Highway Loss Data Institute's ** actual ** position on DRLs,
    see: http://www.iihs.org/safety_facts/qanda/drl.htm

    Numerous insurance companies offer discounts for their use... Think
    about it.
    RWM, Oct 28, 2004
  20. RWM

    RWM Guest

    For the Highway Loss Data Institute's ** actual ** position on DRLs,
    see: http://www.iihs.org/safety_facts/qanda/drl.htm

    Numerous insurance companies offer discounts for their use... Think
    about it.
    RWM, Oct 28, 2004
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