Engine light keeps comming on

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ChopChop, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. ChopChop

    ChopChop Guest

    I brought the car in and the person that scanned the car said it was to do
    with the gas tank cap. He told me to always make sure I tighten it all the
    way until a few clicks. Which is what I always do. What other issues do you
    think it could be? I only use the reg gas. I had a person mention it could
    be the fuel filter, what is that and where is it located? Or could it be
    something else with the car?
    ChopChop, Jun 14, 2005
  2. ChopChop

    Professor Guest

    What is the code that you extracted?

    Professor, Jun 14, 2005
  3. ChopChop

    Jason Guest

    You should take the car to Auto Zone or any other store that sells auto
    parts that will check your codes for free. If they are not able to tell
    you what the code means, repost and we will tell you what it means.
    Jason, Jun 14, 2005
  4. ChopChop

    aggravated Guest

    I have a 98 accord EX and the light keeps coming on too. The mechanic that
    works on my car can't seem to figure it out. I have had an O2 Sensor
    replaced and some HVAC thing cleaned. The only other code that came up was
    a catylitic converter. (Spelling?) Nothing was wrong with it. My sister has
    one that does the same thing and we call it the money light. No one can
    figure it out.
    aggravated, Jun 16, 2005
  5. ChopChop

    bearman Guest

    What's the code? Get it then go to:

    bearman, Jun 16, 2005
  6. ChopChop

    ChopChop Guest

    Something to do with gas. Is there a fuel filter that I need to be concerned
    and if so, is this costly?
    ChopChop, Jun 17, 2005
  7. ChopChop

    Professor Guest

    We need the exact code number...

    Check out FlashAlert at www.telstar-electronics.com
    Professor, Jun 17, 2005
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