Engine: no start

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by PTS-EXPRESS, Feb 27, 2004.



    Expert mechanics, what is the primary reason why a honda motor will
    crank and crank all day, but never start? Voltage is getting through
    the starting system, but evidently not getting to the plugs to fire
    the motor.

    Diagnosis #1: small tiny inexpensive sensor causing the main module
    to fail to operate properly?

    Diagnosis #2: very expensive problem to repair; most likely due to a
    combination of sensor and module failure.

    Diagnosis #3: most improbable....a fuse is blown somewhere in the
    circuit. $1.00
    PTS-EXPRESS, Feb 27, 2004

    Randolph Guest

    It would help to know the year and model of your car.

    In general, it could be lack of fuel or lack of spark. You mention
    "evidently not getting to the plugs to fire the motor". Have you
    verified that you do not have spark? On some Hondas the ignition control
    module ("igniter") is known to fail as it gets older. That would cause
    lack of spark.
    Randolph, Feb 27, 2004

    agent smith Guest

    im not an expert mechanic, but im having the same issue with my 87 CRX but i
    know whats wrong. things to try:

    check to see if youre getting fuel
    check your spark plugs
    check your plug wires
    in my CRX, i have a primary and aux. fuel filter. replace both if you hve 2,
    or just replace the primary if thats all you have.
    check your rotor and distributor cap
    in my CRX, there is a fuel line going from the bottom to the car to the aux
    filter, then to the carb (oh yeah my car is carborated). replace both these
    hoses if you have them.

    thats what ive done in my CRX, but im still not getting it to turn over and
    stay on. im pretty sure i got it licked though, as the car was getting
    flooded. there was a bunch of old fluid in there so im sure i just need to
    burn the old fluid out and get new fluid in there. if anyone else has
    suggestions for me, hit me up at the email in my sig file. thanks and good

    -agent smith
    agent smith, Feb 27, 2004
  4. ===================
    Turn the key to the 'run' position (II), listen for the fuel pump to run
    for two seconds. If you don't hear it, smack the dash with your fist and
    see if you hear it run. If so, resolder or replace you MAIN RELAY. It
    will probably run ONCE after each thumping. :)

    This is assuming we're talking about a Honda CAR that has fuel injection.

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 27, 2004
  5. Which car and model year is this? Are you sure it's lack of spark at the
    plugs, vs. a fuel problem?

    Common problems are 1) main relay has bad solder joints which prevents fuel
    pump from running; 2) igniter (in distributor) or coil is bad; 3) bad
    contact in ignition switch. Beyond that it gets more exotic.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Feb 28, 2004
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