engine shampoo

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by vcciubot, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. vcciubot

    vcciubot Guest

    Hi all,

    I've already searched the archives without finding an answer to my
    question. So here's the question.

    I own an Accord 1990 EXR that leaks a little bit of oil - around 1
    quart every three months.
    I went to change my oil at a non-dealer mechanic and they said an
    engine `shampooing' would get rid of the leak. Is this correct? Does it
    necessarily have to be done in a dealership and can it damage anything?

    thanks in advance
    vcciubot, Aug 14, 2006
  2. vcciubot

    Cousin It Guest

    Cleaning the engine may help a mechanic see where the leak is coming from,
    but it's not going to stop it. If anything, cleaning the engine may make
    the leak worse.
    Cousin It, Aug 14, 2006
  3. vcciubot

    Art Guest

    The mechanic may have also been referring to using a cleaning oil to flush
    the internal engine components. That could cause more damage because
    particles may start floating around and get stuck in small holes needed for
    proper lubrication and cause blockages.
    Art, Aug 15, 2006
  4. vcciubot

    vcciubot Guest

    Thanks a lot for clearing this for me. I'll just keep on adding a
    little bit of oil from time to time instead of going into more trouble.

    vcciubot, Aug 15, 2006
  5. vcciubot

    jim beam Guest

    what brand oil are you using? i've had variable results from different
    brands regarding leaks - long story short, castrol reduced my main seal
    leakage to the point where it's effectively stopped. different brands
    have different types and quantities of seal conditioners.
    jim beam, Aug 15, 2006
  6. vcciubot

    vcciubot Guest

    I've been putting in motomaster oil (cheapest I guess). I'll ask them
    to use castrol next time.

    vcciubot, Aug 15, 2006
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