Engine stalling - 2001 Civic LX

Discussion in 'Civic' started by stoph, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. stoph

    stoph Guest

    I was moving from FL to WA and around Flagstaff, AZ my car stalled out
    while doing about 80mph. When i tried to start it again it would start up
    but be running at 500rpm nearly stalling out. While in neutral I would
    step on the gas and it wouldn't rev passed 3500 rpm. After letting it sit
    for 20 minutes it started up normally and I was able to drive it into

    I had a relative in the state so I tried to make it to their place, the
    car drove for another hour then quit out while going up a hill. I let it
    sit for another 30 minutes and it started up normally. It did this one
    more time before i made it to my relatives. My brother thought it was just
    bad gas, others were thinking a fuel pump or filter. I had taken it to
    Honda and they started off saying it was a cam shaft problem, which isn't
    possible. Then they replaced Cat, and a computer component through
    warrenty. The problem didn't go away. They then said they couldn't figure
    out what was wrong with it.

    Is it the fuel system or is it electrical?
    stoph, Sep 1, 2004
  2. stoph

    SoCalMike Guest

    fill up at any "off brand" stations?
    SoCalMike, Sep 1, 2004
  3. stoph

    stoph Guest

    Yeah it had started up after i bought gas from a Mustang station.
    stoph, Sep 1, 2004
  4. stoph

    _chris_ Guest

    I would change the fuel filter and buy better gas.
    _chris_, Sep 2, 2004
  5. Yeah it had started up after i bought gas from a Mustang station.
    You buy gas from a brothel? No wonder!

    Do not write below this line. Reserved for me.
    He Hate Retard and Moron, Sep 2, 2004
  6. stoph

    Dick Gozinya Guest

    I bet he saw your mother in there!
    Dick Gozinya, Sep 4, 2004
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