engine stop when u step on the brake

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dejavo, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. dejavo

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    You are correct. Which obviously makes me an ignorant asshole.
    Okay. But I will say that the original poster will find little love
    when looking for a job. Even in (especially in) the information
    technology field. You must be able to communicate clearly. To
    everyone. Not just the l33t.
    Dillon Pyron, Nov 16, 2008
  2. dejavo

    Dan C Guest

    "IMO" is not a contraction. It's an acronym. Look it up.

    Also, the original poster wasn't using contractions, either. He was using
    either: A) Abbreviations or B) Abominations of English grammar/
    spelling. It certainly wasn't a case of contraction problems, though.

    Better look that one up too.
    No, it's the most logical assessment of him, based on available
    Very highly unlikely. Accomplished persons don't speak like that.
    Nothing wrong with a dick in the hand, if you can read/write like a
    There were enough facts in to make a judgement. It's not like there were
    likely to be any more (facts) coming in at a later time.

    Now, run along and go brush up on those terms I introduced you to, above.
    Dan C, Nov 16, 2008
  3. dejavo

    Enrico Fermi Guest

    It seems things that appear obvious to you are not so obvious to others.
    Ignorant? I'm good with that. Asshole? I don't think so. Lazy? Probably.
    Freud said it best "A string of reproaches against other people leads one to
    suspect the existence of a string of self-reproaches with the same content.
    (Sigmund Freud)"
    Again, assumptions regarding the original poster. I have followed this
    thread and can't conclude this person is looking for work. Perhaps he is
    fabulously wealthy. Perhaps he lives in a cabin with no windows. We can't
    tell. You might ask yourself, "What can I do to further my cause by acting
    in my enlightened self-interest?"
    Enrico Fermi, Nov 17, 2008
  4. dejavo

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    No, the question should be "How can my thoughts, words and actions
    better humanity?"

    Helping someone learn how to properly speak or write is certainly a
    small step in that direction.

    bu7 i7z 2 k3wl 2 b l337
    Dillon Pyron, Nov 18, 2008
  5. Here in the West we have somewhat relaxed rules of grammar. I talk of
    Arizona as being a "y'all" optional state. Y'all can use that for the second
    person plural, or use "you-uns" or "youse" without anybody getting too
    upset. We even have cowboy talk: "Kinnec up thet thar lat bub wit bob war."
    I agree with Steven Pinker: as long as people understand the meaning the
    grammar is subordinate. (Even if we eschew obfuscation!)

    A few years ago I was doing tower work with a co-worker, Dave, and I was
    lowering a bag of gear to the ground... too slowly for Dave's taste, I
    guess. Dave called, "Just let it go." I was taken aback by the strange
    request so I asked for clarification, "You want me to just let it go?!?" He
    repeated, "Yes, just let it go!" So I let it go. The bag plummeted 80 feet
    and hit with a huge "whump!" Dave yelled back, "You can't just let it drop!"
    And we're communications guys?

    However, if one wants to present himself as being something more than a good
    ol' boy or to lead more than a mob, the usual standards of decorum apply.

    Michael Pardee, Nov 18, 2008
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