engine swap questions

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by agent smith, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. agent smith

    agent smith Guest

    kinda OT, kinda not. the daewoo group is crap and is bombarded with nothing
    but scams. questions are as follows: has anyone ever swapped an
    accord/prelude engine into a 2k daewoo lanos s, and if so, how hard was it?
    the daewoo has an e-tek 1.6 16 valve engine in it, and from what ive seen,
    some of the accords/preludes have similar engines under smaller hoods
    (surprisingly, i have quite a bit of room under my daewoo). if ANYONE can
    point me into the general direction of a daewoo discussion forum or anything
    similar, id be most appreciative. despite puting a CAI into the daewoo last
    night, i was only able to get a noticable boost on the high end (going from
    80-120mph was FUN!), and not enough on the low end. many thanks!

    ps - and before you bash daewoo, ill have you know that ive taken on many
    tricked out civics and CRX's, and havent been beat that often. no, i dont
    race on the street, i go to closed tracks that make you pay :(

    pps - i want to buy about ~20 acres in austin texas and start a drag strip.
    whos down? AFAIK, you cant enforce street racing laws on private property.
    if you know different, by all means let me know!
    agent smith, Feb 9, 2004
  2. agent smith

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Well,for starters,the engine/tranny mounts aren't going to match up,and the
    engine wiring harness will have to be 'modified',and the engine control
    module will not work,it willhave to be swapped along with the motor.Then
    there's routing of fuel lines,exhaust piping,connecting the radiator to the
    motor(standard hoses aren't going to fit).

    These are just a -few- of the things I thought of.
    Have fun.
    Jim Yanik, Feb 9, 2004
  3. it?

    Theoretically, any engine will fit in any car. You just have to decide how
    much work and how much money you want to sink into the project.
    Alan J. Claffie, Feb 9, 2004
  4. agent smith

    agent smith Guest

    i got that much. ive invested a bit in this sleeper, so i was willing to put
    up with the work that will need to be done. ty got the input!

    -agent smith
    agent smith, Feb 9, 2004
  5. agent smith

    T. Nelson Guest

    My advice is to buy an engine made for a daewoo since the engine mounts
    and various wiring harnesses,etc will match up perfectly and would require
    very little work on your part. That would not be the case if you tried to
    install an Accord/Prelude into it. I once talked to a person that placed a
    chevy engine in a ford. He told me that it was a the craziest idea he ever
    had. He spent over a week welding in new engine mounts and rewiring
    everything. He said he could have placed a Ford into it in about 8 hours
    or less.
    T. Nelson, Feb 10, 2004
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