exact location of pcv valve on 1990 civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by billgates113, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. billgates113

    billgates113 Guest

    where can i find the pcv valve to replace, i looked all over and can't find it. i took out the tube to the airfilter but can't find in in that area. i'm not good with cars so explain in simple english where i can find the pcv valve and what is it use for. Do i need to change it, i never changed it still i got it brandnew and not it has about 280,000km on it.
    billgates113, Jan 28, 2004
  2. billgates113

    Mista Bone Guest

    What engine?
    On the D16A6 engine, the PCV valve is between intake runners #1 and #2


    find it. i took out the tube to the airfilter but can't find in in that
    area. i'm not good with cars so explain in simple english where i can find
    the pcv valve and what is it use for. Do i need to change it, i never
    changed it still i got it brandnew and not it has about 280,000km on it.
    Mista Bone, Jan 28, 2004
  3. This may not be much help but I just changed this on my son's 85 CRX and it
    was hard to see and hard to do (I guess that is why they do not get changed
    as often as recommended). It was on the intake side but lower down in the
    middle of the block look for a hose that plugs into valve which is vertical
    right in the middle of the block area. Which I could give you more a
    picture. The valve is just set in rubber and can be wiggled so poke around
    and see if one of the hoses lets you deflect it. wolf
    Wolfgang Bley, Jan 29, 2004
  4. billgates113

    WaterWatcher Guest

    find it. i took out the tube to the airfilter but can't find in in that
    area. i'm not good with cars so explain in simple english where i can find
    the pcv valve and what is it use for. Do i need to change it, i never
    changed it still i got it brandnew and not it has about 280,000km on it.
    Try Majestic Honda's site. They have good illustrations if you can figure
    out their menus. This link to one might be what you're looking for:


    WaterWatcher, Jan 30, 2004
  5. billgates113

    Andrew Smit Guest

    it is below the intake runners 1 and 2, what it does is let gasses out
    of the crank case and should be replaced fro emmissions purposes, basic
    rule of thumb is that if it does not rattle it should be cleaned or
    replaced (replace:they're cheep)
    Andrew Smit, Jan 31, 2004
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