Examples of Gender Bias in Car Sales

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Elle, May 31, 2005.

  1. Elle

    Elle Guest

    I thought this an interesting read, for those silly enough to believe gender
    bias is all in a person's head:

    Elle, May 31, 2005
  2. You're right. There's plenty of gender bias--on both sides of the fence.

    I was the victim of it about 20 years ago, in women's studies class in

    That gender bias exists does not mean that gender bias is EVERYWHERE.
    If you believe that, YOU'RE being silly.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 1, 2005
  3. Elle

    jim beam Guest

    no one is saying gender bias doesn't exist. what we're all saying is
    that someone cannot victimize you unless you in some way allow them.
    that's /NOT/ a criticism! and it's gender neutral. it's also worth
    saying again: it's impossible to victimize someone that doesn't allow
    it. [isn't there an elenor roosevelt quote to that effect somewhere?]
    if that statement makes no sense, then it's something that would be good
    to research.
    jim beam, Jun 1, 2005
  4. Elle

    Bucky Guest

    Interesting article. I had a female friend who went to buy a car, and
    her boyfriend tagged along. Most of the salesmen kept talking to her
    boyfriend, even though he told them that she was the one buying the car
    (for example, asking him, "What color car is she looking for?"). She
    ended up buying a car from the dealer who treated her with the most

    I do agree that female buyers can't prevent gender bias in terms of
    attitude from salesmen. But if you've done your homework and studied
    the differences between the models, the prices, negotiating/sales
    tactics, and shopped around at several dealerships, they can't rip you
    Bucky, Jun 1, 2005
  5. Elle

    Dee Guest

    No doubt there is gender bias, and as a rule women aren't taken as seriously
    as men by those in the auto industry. However, women need to educate
    themselves and not tolerate condescending behavior. The door swings both
    ways -- just walk out. And don't hesitate to tell them why. Some of them
    might not even be aware they're doing it.
    Dee, Jun 5, 2005
  6. Elle

    SoCalMike Guest

    oh, they know. theyre just plain assholes regardless. best thing to do
    is buy online via sams, costco, autobytel, AAA, etc.

    you wont even deal with the scum, youll get a decent deal, and you wont
    feel cheated.

    also, do the research on the "foursquare" sheet they use. APR/down
    payment/trade in/purchase price. they play with those numbers to get
    what THEY want.

    just by selling private party, you eliminte one of those 4 squares. pay
    cash for the car or get preapproved financing through your bank or
    credit union, and you eliminate 2 more... which leaves the purchase
    price. and negotiating that ONE number is easier than getting
    potentially confused by FOUR.
    SoCalMike, Jun 5, 2005
  7. I had great fun 2 years ago when I stopped by my local Honda dealer for
    a test drive and to negotiate my new Accord EX sedan (I had researched
    them on the Web and had a guaranteed price from CarsDirect, which was
    below the "dealer invoice").

    He whipped out his 4-square and asked me about my trade in - didn't have
    one. Then he asked me about how big a monthly payment I could afford, I
    told him I thought the monthly payment was a function of the amount
    financed & the rate, so what rate can you quote me (I had pre-approval
    from Honda Finance, but the dealer sets the rate)?

    He futzed around for a bit and told me the *very* best they could do was
    about $1,000 above the "dealer invoice", so I thanked him for the test
    drive & his time and left. Got a call around lunch time the next day
    saying he'd discussed it with the Sales Mgr and they would met my price
    (plus they financed $14,000 at 3.64%). Walking out of their office is
    one of the most dramatic things a buyer can do, plus you can be super
    polite about it. <Heh>
    Sparky Spartacus, Jun 5, 2005
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