Exceeded oil mark

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Fernando André, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. Hello,

    Today I exceeded the max oil mark on the oil stick, about 2cm, how can
    I solve this?

    Is this a big problem ?

    Best regards and thank you for any help.
    Fernando André, Aug 25, 2009
  2. Forgot to mention the car is a Honda Jazz Elegance Top 1.2 Gasoline
    Fernando André, Aug 25, 2009
  3. Fernando André

    Tegger Guest

    It might be (for those in the Imperial culture, 2cm is about 3/4 inch).
    That's high enough for the oil to be at risk for being whipped up by the
    crankshaft and be susceptible to foaming, which is very bad.

    I'd advise draining off the excess as soon as you can. If you cannot do
    this yourself, a garage will be able to do it very easily by removing the
    drain plug for a few seconds, then replacing it.

    It might be easier (and less embarrassing) to simply bring the car in for
    an oil change and not bother to give the garage any details about why
    you're there.

    You can drive around for a day or two like this, but not much longer.
    Tegger, Aug 25, 2009
  4. Fernando André

    E. Meyer Guest

    If it is really overfilled, the only fix is to drain off the excess. My CRV
    will occasionally show about that much over or under, but 3 hours after it
    is shut down the next time, it shows normal again. I would check it again
    tomorrow morning before you start it up the first time & if it is still too
    high on the stick, the simplest fix is an oil change as Tegger suggested.
    It could be, depending how it got that way. Did it do this by itself or did
    you simply put too much oil in it? If there is a milky appearance to it &
    it just started reading too high without any oil being added, you could have
    a blown head gasket.

    E. Meyer, Aug 26, 2009
  5. Thank you for both answers, I did the mistake of adding to much oil :(

    Thank you once again.

    Fernando Andre
    Fernando André, Aug 26, 2009
  6. Fernando André

    reg Guest

    simplest and fastest way without any tools is to turn oil filter until some
    or all of the oil inside drips out, then tighten the filter.
    reg, Aug 26, 2009
  7. You must have a grip of steel to get the oil filter without a filter wrench
    William Munny, Aug 26, 2009
  8. Solved the problem by taking the car to a mechanic 10 euros to correct
    the problem they used a vacuum tool or something according to the guy.

    Thank you for the pointers... I'm not very good with cars and haven't
    got the tools to lift the car,and probably would have made a mess.

    That's life.

    Best regards and a nice weekend to all.
    Fernando André, Aug 28, 2009
  9. Fernando André

    rd Guest

    20+ years ago I bought a small pump with tubing intended to be inserted into
    oil filler. Idea was to pump the old oil out and put new oil in. Sorta
    worked - sorta messy. I used it once as I recall.
    rd, Aug 30, 2009
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