Extend Warranty?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by trs80, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. trs80

    trs80 Guest

    what does Honda want for an extended warranty now?
    I expect that would be offered/pressured after one buys the car and is doing
    the paper work. If reasonable, Id like to consider it. I bought one for my
    last Honda and I thought it was reasonable. But I had to refused in a couple
    times and they dropped the price. Would like to know this time was to
    expect to pay before buyign the car.

    trs80, Nov 29, 2006
  2. trs80

    motsco_ Guest


    Your TRS-80 has the time clock set wrong :-(

    We'd need to know what model HONDA you're interested in, and the
    location. Hard to start comparing if I'm talking Canadian dollars and
    you're buying an HR-V in Australia.

    motsco_, Dec 1, 2006
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