extended warranty

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Randall Harris, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. Recently purchased a CRV (2004) for my wife and of coursr she loves it.
    During the sale we were asked several times if we wanted to purchase the
    extended warranty but I declined, told him I would like to see how the CRV
    runs, etc. and possibly purchase it before we hit the 36K miles. I would
    like any input, pros and cons on the above. Thanks.
    Randall Harris, Sep 1, 2004
  2. Randall Harris

    Bubba Guest

    "Extended Warranties" are not warranties at all. Rather they are nothing
    more than a mechanical breakdown insurance policy, usually with a
    per-occurrance deductible, and are almost always a bad investment. Most
    are rife with "weasel clauses" in the fine print to get out of paying and
    most do *NOT* provide anything close to the same level of bumper-to-bumper
    coverage that your original manufacturer's warranty provided. They have a
    very high up-front cost, usually way more than $1,000 and your chances of
    ever breaking even with the policy's high up-front cost are historically
    slim. Some drivers are convinced these provide "peace of mind" and of
    course you'll always have some schmoe swearing by his, claiming it saved
    him bazillions of dollars. Take these anecdotal reports with a grain of
    salt.. a very large grain. Good experiences w/extended warranties are few
    and far between.

    If you feel you really want the "protection" then check with your own auto
    insurance carrier. Many auto insurers offer similar plans for many
    hundreds less than what you'll pay for it through the dealer.

    Granted 3/36 isn't a hellouvalot of factory warranty, but Hondas are among
    the most reliable and least trouble-prone of anything on the road. Take
    good care of your car, follow all the factory recommended service
    intervals, drive it like a sensible adult and you're likely to find the
    odometer at or well past the 100,000 mile mark before anything serious
    crops up. By this time even your "extended" service plan will have expired
    and you will probably never have collected on it, certainly never
    collected anything close to what it originally cost.

    Dealers will really beat the drum to get you to take this protection from
    them because it is laden with *PROFIT*, typically 100% markup.

    Just say "No" and walk away.
    Bubba, Sep 2, 2004
  3. Randall Harris

    Ken Guest

    Bubba is absolutely right, IMHO. I don't care if it's a new Honda or a
    washing machine or a lawn mower, an extended warranty is a waste of money.
    Ken, Sep 2, 2004
  4. Randall Harris

    bearman Guest

    Both of you are full of it. An extended warranty gives a person peace of
    mind if nothing else.

    bearman, Sep 2, 2004
  5. Randall Harris

    Frank Guest

    Agree as well. I never took it on a Honda/Acura, and i never ever
    regreted it. It is an just insurance.
    Frank, Sep 2, 2004
  6. Randall Harris

    E. Meyer Guest

    Huh? There is almost no situation where that "peace of mind" does not end up
    costing you more than the repairs would have cost if you just pay as you go.
    Just put that money in the bank and collect interest on it.
    E. Meyer, Sep 2, 2004
  7. Here is the answer I think your looking for.

    The only downside I can see to purchasing the warranty sometime after the
    initial purchase is that the cost of the warranty goes up as you rack up the
    miles. Please dig through this website - http://www.curryhondacare.com/
    before purchasing your warranty. This documentation will get you a warranty
    much cheaper than going into the dealership without. Notice that you have
    to put your vehicle milage in when requesting a quote. Change the milage
    you input and see the costs increase or decrease.

    I went ahead and got the warranty on our '04 Ody when we purchased the
    vehicle. we intend on driving our vehicle many miles and like to have what
    others call 'just in case' insurance. I rather have that cost rolled up
    into the cost of the vehicle and not have to pay for a repair expense out of

    Scott Van Nest, Sep 2, 2004
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