F20A fuel pump

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by zoominbyu, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. zoominbyu

    zoominbyu Guest

    I really need to know what the fuel pump psi is supposed to be for the jdm
    F20A engine. i have a F22A1 pump and it killed my acceleration in first
    gear below 2500 rpm. If someone knows or can find out the psi i would be
    very greatful. Ive been all over the web looking but cannot find it.for
    further info the f22a1 pump is : with reg. vacuum hose attatched-30-38psi
    with reg. vacuum hose disconnected-40-47psi
    zoominbyu, Oct 10, 2004
  2. zoominbyu

    Caroline Guest

    I see the following engine designations on the net:
    F20A Honda Accord 2.0Si (JDM) 1990-1993
    F22A1 Honda Accord 1990-1993
    F22A1 Honda Prelude S 1992-1996

    http://www.honda.co.uk/owner/AccordManual/400/6-209.pdf says for the 1991-1993
    Accord (includes 2.0 L and 2.2 L engines)
    29-35 psi vac hose connected
    35-41 psi vac hose disconnected
    I'm betting these are for the smaller engine.

    www.autozone.com , free repair guides, repair info, electric fuel pump (near the
    bottom) states that the 1988-1991 Accord fuel pressure should be 36-41 psi, vac
    hose disconnected. This figure jives with the UK site figures above for what I
    think is the smaller engine. Also, the autozone site says the 1992-93 Accord =
    40-47 psi (vac hose disconn), suggesting this is for the larger engine's
    pressures, like those you give below for the F22.

    My 1991 1.5 Liter Civic also has a spec of 35-41 psi (vac hose disconn), from my
    Chilton's manual.
    Caroline, Oct 10, 2004
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