Failing catalytic converter code

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jbourgeois, Jul 29, 2005.

  1. jbourgeois

    jbourgeois Guest

    My check engine light has come on, showing a P0420 code. The most probable
    cause of this, I'm told, is a failing catalytic converter. No other codes
    show up. The car is 1998 Honda Accord with 133k.

    Does anyone disagree with the suggestion that I must install a new catalytic
    converter? If I must, should I install an OEM or would Midas do a good job
    jbourgeois, Jul 29, 2005
  2. jbourgeois

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Did you run 'accord' and 'p0420' thru google and see if there's any
    ideas? I saw something about a recall, but you'd have to search for

    motsco_ _, Jul 29, 2005
  3. jbourgeois

    jbourgeois Guest

    I am not eligible for the 8 year, 80k mile warranty for that.
    jbourgeois, Jul 30, 2005
  4. jbourgeois

    Steve H Guest

    You have to see if the rear 02 sensor is doing it's job. Sometimes they get
    sluggish and start lying to the computer but don't set a code as bad. Other
    than that, the cat is a good bet.
    Steve H, Jul 30, 2005
  5. jbourgeois

    johngdole Guest

    Catalytic converters are very reliable today. Any problem with it is
    usually the result and not the cause. The post converter oxygen sensor
    may be the one acting up. You can have the waveform inspected.

    Also, before jumping out and buying a new cat make sure your oxygen
    sensors are working properly and the engine is burning fuel effectively
    (tune up lately?)

    If you just replace the cat and not fix the source of the problem, the
    converter will get damaged again.
    johngdole, Jul 30, 2005
  6. jbourgeois

    SoCalMike Guest

    id make absolutely sure it isnt the 02 sensor first. if youve been using
    the correct gas, the cat should last longer than 133k miles.
    SoCalMike, Jul 30, 2005
  7. jbourgeois

    jbourgeois Guest

    I cleared the code twice and it has not returned. Does everyone still think
    that I should test my O2 sensors?
    jbourgeois, Aug 5, 2005
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