fair price for ball joint replacement?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by martin lynch, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. martin lynch

    martin lynch Guest

    I was quoted $600 for replacing both front ball joints on my 2001
    Civic. The price also includes wheel alignment, which I'm told would
    be necessary with the job. I live in Buffalo, NY. Does this seem
    like a fair price? A quick google search leads me to believe that the
    quote is high....
    martin lynch, Apr 5, 2009
  2. martin lynch

    Tegger Guest

    It appears the ball joints on this vehicle are integral with the steering
    knuckle, at least with OEM parts. The price you've been quoted is probably
    from a Honda dealer, and includes new knuckles.

    There are aftermarket ball joints that can be pressed into the existing
    knuckle (closer to your $300 guess), but I think you would regret that
    choice in less than two years. Ever had a ball joint break on you?
    Tegger, Apr 5, 2009
  3. martin lynch

    martin lynch Guest

    The quote was actually from an independent shop. I failed to ask
    exactly what parts would be replaced.

    What would happen if the shop only replaced the ball joint and not the
    knuckle? Are you suggesting that pressing a new ball joint into the
    knuckle would weaken the interface and cause it to fail again
    martin lynch, Apr 6, 2009
  4. martin lynch

    Tegger Guest

    <proper crossposting added to alt.autos.honda>

    Then you should ask and tell. Otherwise you may mislead others here and
    receive useless advice.

    That would be the danger, yes. That would be why Honda does not offer
    separate ball joints for this model. Ball joints are under considerable
    stress in operation.

    See here for more fun information:
    Tegger, Apr 6, 2009
  5. martin lynch

    jim beam Guest

    1. what symptoms are you experiencing - why do you think you need to
    have them replaced?

    2. please learn to cross-post.
    jim beam, Apr 6, 2009
  6. martin lynch

    martin lynch Guest

    I took it to the shop for my mandatory NY State safety inspection, and
    they told me the lower ball joints were loose, and recommended
    replacement. Seems kind of early for a car with 70K miles, huh?
    martin lynch, Apr 6, 2009
  7. martin lynch

    jim beam Guest

    somewhat. i'd get a second opinion.

    here in kalifornistan, a lot of inspection stations are "test only" and
    /not allowed/ to do repairs. thus they have no incentive to find things

    if you have something like that in your state, that's where i'd go.
    especially now that money is tight, i expect more "problems" to be found
    on otherwise healthy cars.
    jim beam, Apr 6, 2009
  8. martin lynch

    Tegger Guest

    Yup. Way early. Get a second opinion.
    Tegger, Apr 6, 2009
  9. martin lynch

    Wade Guest

    Seems kind of early for a car with 70K miles, huh?
    My '99 Accord LX 4 dr 5 spd has 157K miles, and in last couple of
    months, I have wondered about the front end. On occasion it will track
    slightly to the left. I had the alignment checked, it's okay, it did
    not need adjustment. I rotate regularly every 6-7k miles, tire wear is
    normal. When I go over harder bumps, I hear / feel more of a clunk
    than before. I am concerned that someone needing to do more work, will
    go ahead and recommend costly work I can't afford. I have jack stands,
    is this something I can self diagnose? How do you really tell if the
    ball joints need replacing?

    Wade, Apr 7, 2009
  10. martin lynch

    jim beam Guest

    you need to get under the car and check stuff out. check all bolts are
    tightened properly, check things like sway bar bushings are ok, then
    check ball joints. i've actually had more problems with upper joints
    than lower on civics, so check yours on the accord. jack the vehicle up
    under the lower swing arm until the wheel is just off the ground, then
    lever under the wheel with a crow bar. you should be able to see or
    feel looseness if any exists. this works better if you have an
    assistant carefully do this while you hold a joint - you can definitely
    feel any looseness then.
    jim beam, Apr 8, 2009
  11. martin lynch

    johngdole Guest

    Yes, the load should be taken off the lower control arm to check the
    load-carrying ball joint (lower).

    But Jim -- it's interesting that the non-load-carrying upper joints
    were giving you more problems. If these don't run dry, I would think
    they'll outlast the lower joints. No?
    johngdole, Apr 8, 2009
  12. martin lynch

    jim beam Guest

    well, they're not as big as the lower ones, plus, if you think about it,
    because of the fact that they're on a much longer lever arm on the
    steering knuckle from the wheel center compared to the lower one,
    reaction force to braking and cornering is going to be much greater.
    besides, as a crazed lover of 88-91 civics/crx's, and someone that's had
    no fewer than six of them in higher mileage conditions [up to 300k!],
    three have needed upper ball joint replacements - not one has needed
    lower unless the boot has been trashed by a pickle fork.
    jim beam, Apr 8, 2009
  13. martin lynch

    Tegger Guest

    Up in the Rust Belt, it's weather that kills the lower ones.
    They fail all the time here.
    Tegger, Apr 9, 2009
  14. martin lynch

    Tegger Guest

    No idea if "martin lynch" will ever check in on this thread again (I hope
    he does, if he hasn't got the work done yet), but I just discovered

    Honda had issued a TSB (06-035) which says that Honda has new ball joints
    that may be installed into existing steering knuckles on SOME '98-'02
    Accords, obviating the need to replace the entire knuckle. The new ball
    joint part number is 06523-S84-405. The TSB outlines the exact installation
    procedure, which may be performed without removing the knuckle from the

    It seems premature ball joint wear is a known issue on these cars. The
    original ball joint has a different part number from its replacement,
    suggesting different fit, product improvement, or both.
    Tegger, Apr 9, 2009
  15. martin lynch

    Tegger Guest

    Check out my new reply to "martin lynch"'s Sunday message. New info has
    Tegger, Apr 9, 2009
  16. martin lynch

    martin lynch Guest

    Much obliged for this message Tegger! I was actually going to call
    the mechanic tommorow, so I'm glad I checked on here tonight first.

    I actually have a Civic, not Accord, but a search shows a TSB for the
    2001-2005 Civic exists as well (04-079). Further google search
    shows that some District Managers MIGHT repair the ball joint free,
    even out of warranty. I'm not crossing my fingers but it's worth a
    martin lynch, Apr 10, 2009
  17. martin lynch

    Tegger Guest

    And so it does. My mistake, sorry. Same problem, same solution, different

    The new Civic ball joint part number is 51220-S5A-305.

    This is the sort of situation where it really helps to have a good
    relationship with your "stealer$hip". I'm glad I maintain that with my
    local dealer, who have been very good to me over these many years.
    Tegger, Apr 10, 2009
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