False alarm in the early morning

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by hchen5965, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. hchen5965

    hchen5965 Guest

    This morning I was woked up by a false alarm from my 2000 Honda
    Accord EX. It was parked outside my appartment. Not sure what happened
    exactly. I used my remote to unlock the door and shut off the alarm.
    Now it looks normal. This is the first time it happened. Anybody has
    similiar experience? What are general causes?
    Thanks for attention.
    hchen5965, Jun 20, 2006
  2. hchen5965

    TeGGeR® Guest

    wrote in

    Aftermarket alarm?

    1) Poor installation
    2) Corrosion on contacts
    3) Moisture
    4) Motion sensitivity set too high
    5) Crook shoved car or thumped window then ran away to hide and watch to
    see if anyone actually responded to the alarm.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 20, 2006

  3. Grumpy arrives to check out the racket fingering his Glock 19 just
    itchin' to expend a couple rounds...


    (It's OK to ask questions after all movement ceases..)
    Grumpy AuContraire, Jun 20, 2006
    'Curly Q. Links', Jun 20, 2006
  5. hchen5965

    ACAR Guest

    In my case, a weak battery was the cause of alarm problems.
    ACAR, Jun 20, 2006

  6. -----------------------------

    Check all door switches to be sure they don't open just by putting
    pressure on the door from the inside. Interior light is the test.

    'Curly Q. Links', Jun 20, 2006
  7. hchen5965

    Matt Ion Guest

    How do you know it was a false, and not someone trying to break in?
    Matt Ion, Jun 22, 2006
  8. hchen5965

    hchen5965 Guest

    Well, it happens again at my company's parking lot. It is on and off
    several times this morning and I had to leave the door unlocked. Going
    to take to dealer tomorrow and see what is the problem. Just check it
    going to cost 90 bucks.
    hchen5965, Jun 22, 2006
  9. hchen5965

    Matt Ion Guest

    Factory system, I assume?

    First thing to check would probably be the hood and/or trunk pins, if so
    equipped, and make sure the hood and trunk are both closing properly.
    On our Dodge minivan, if you accidentally pop the hood (the hood release
    is where you'd expect the e-brake release to be...), it doesn't LOOK
    popped, but it's got enough play that a gust of wind can lift it enough
    to trigger the hood pin. Next I'd check the door pins, make sure
    they're mounted solidly, and that the doors are closing fully (driver's
    door sags on my old '87 Accord and it has to be closed REALLY GOOD, or
    it will LOOK closed, but be still be open enough for the pin switch to
    make contact).
    Matt Ion, Jun 23, 2006
  10. hchen5965

    hchen5965 Guest

    Thanks Matt, One naive question, where is the door pin? My driver-door
    was damaged two years ago and replaced by bodyshop. Maybe this is the
    source of the problem.
    The dealer was unable to locate the problem since the alarm didn't
    sound at that time.
    hchen5965, Jun 23, 2006
  11. hchen5965

    Matt Ion Guest

    Sounds like that could well be it... you'll find a poor but relatively
    accurate picture of its location here:

    (That's from the '86-'89 manual, but the switch type location should be
    pretty much the same on almost every Honda ever made :)
    Matt Ion, Jun 24, 2006
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