False Service Indicator Triggering

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ECB, Dec 27, 2003.

  1. ECB

    ECB Guest

    Wondering if any one else has experience something similar
    to the following.

    On 12/22 I drove through the Security gate at the local airport
    (it's the type gate requiring a card to be placed against a reader
    to trigger the gate open). As I drove I noticed the Service Indicator
    light on my 2000 Honda CRV.

    I ended up paying more than $300 for the replacement of the O2
    Sensor unit.

    On 12/27 I drove to the airport again .... after exiting the airport
    through the security gate .... you guessed it ... the Service
    Indicator light came on.

    At this writing I am convincing the auto service establishment
    that the original O2 Sensor did not have to be replaced as the
    Service Indicator was false from the get-go.

    I have heard that some cell phones and radar detector units can
    trigger Service Indicators .... anyone heard of Security Gates
    causing the same???


    Ed B.
    ECB, Dec 27, 2003
  2. I have not heard of that. Everything in in your car is hardwired, I
    believe, and shouldn't be prey to stray radio signals.

    Perhaps as you left the airport the time period between starting your car
    and arriving at the gate was such that the car had warmed up enough to go
    into the closed loop mode from the open loop mode. ( I think I have those
    right) After going into the new mode it then takes information from engine
    sensors for engine management, as opposed to relying on the preprogrammed
    and as such there was a fault that triggered the light.

    CaptainKrunch, Dec 27, 2003
  3. There is no "service indicator". There's the MAINT REQD light, which is
    mileage based and indicates an oil change is due, and then there's the
    check engine light, which indicates a problem that needs immediate

    Which one was it?
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Dec 28, 2003
  4. Just because things are "hard wired" doesn't mean they are necessarily
    immune to external RF or magnetic fields. The security gate he mentions
    transmits RF to activate the circuitry in the card. It is not outside the
    realm of possibility that the RF is also triggering a spurious signal in one
    of the on-board processors in his car, causing the problem he is describing.
    Scott MacLean, Dec 30, 2003
  5. You should take your car immediately to a dealer. They are the only ones who
    are experienced enough to be able to deal with this problem.
    Bill B. Johnson, Dec 30, 2003
  6. ECB

    Jim Yanik Guest

    The automotive electrical environment is one of the toughest around.Very
    noisy from all those relays,solenoids,ignition noise,widely varying load
    changes.I doubt the low level RF from a card reader or E-Pass system is
    going to trigger such things.The normal spikes,surges and noise present
    would be MUCH greater,so the control processors would have a large EMI
    immunity designed in.

    The OBDII system does record the fault codes.That should be a clue.

    More likely that a connector problem or corroded/frayed/cut wire or
    intermittent sensor is the source of the problem.Even a loose ground

    It will be hard to duplicate this problem!
    (or lots of trips to the airport!)
    Jim Yanik, Dec 31, 2003
  7. ECB

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    OK, just once I'll bite. Bill, would you be willing to tell me (and by
    extension 'us') what your motive is here? It doesn't make sense that
    you are a shill for any particular dealer, as this is an international

    Are you trying to make people resent dealers, stir up controversy, get
    these kind of replies, some combination, something I haven't thought of,
    or are you simply fucking stupid?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Dec 31, 2003
  8. ECB

    ECB Guest

    I decided to try going through the airport security gate a few more
    times.....could not trigger the Check Engine light again ... until
    this lunchtime. Bingo! Check Engine light appeared just as I
    drove through the gate ... It cannot be just a coincidence that
    this happened 3 times. Gotta be the electronics in the gate.
    One other factor: there is an array of antennas nearby (about
    75 feet away) that may contribute to or be the actual cause.

    Ed B.
    ECB, Jan 2, 2004
  9. ECB

    Artfulcodger Guest

    Are you the guy that was holding up traffic at the airport that kept going
    thru the gate, backing up and going thru it over and over?
    Artfulcodger, Jan 2, 2004
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