fan only blows extremely hot air

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Matthew, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. Matthew

    Matthew Guest

    I just bought a a 92 Accord DX. After the car has gotten to normal
    temp- the fan only blows EXTREMELY hot air. Even if I turn on the A/C
    and turn the temp setting all the way to cold, it still only blows the
    hot air. I would appreciate any help. Thanks, Matt
    Matthew, Jan 11, 2007
  2. Matthew

    motsco_ Guest


    Start with the diagrams at or majestic honda and
    follow the water valve cable where it goes under the hood. One end or
    the other is probably disconnected.

    You could sell your car for big bucks where I am tonight. -25 C, and
    very windy.

    motsco_, Jan 11, 2007
  3. Matthew

    Bones Guest

    Matt, the 92 Accords were known to have very tight temp control knobs,
    and over time the knob breaks. I had to replace mine every few
    months. To check, grasp the temp control knob firmly and pull it.
    Once the knob is off, closely check the back plastic stalk. If it has
    a crack in it, the inner metal D-shaped ring can spin. Replace the
    knob (cheap fix) - or what I did was switch knobs from the fan control
    and temperature control (even cheaper fix).

    I hope your fix is this easy - and I'd be willing to bet that's your
    Bones, Jan 11, 2007
  4. The DX model likely has horizontal sliders rather than knobs.
    High Tech Misfit, Jan 11, 2007
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