Figuring Out How Much a Hybrid, Diesel, or Small Car Will Save Per Year

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by javawizard, Oct 19, 2007.

  1. I thought we were discussing the Prius here.

    Oh, your here is not my here.
    Michelle Steiner, Oct 26, 2007
  2. javawizard

    Tegger Guest

    "No Child Left Behind" is government meddling. The anti-choice
    policies is government meddling. "Don't Ask Don't Tell" is government
    meddling. Laws preventing gays from adopting children or marrying
    each other is government meddling. The Democrats will reduce
    government meddling in all those areas.[/QUOTE]

    I think that unlikely, given their starry-eyed attraction to meddling in
    so many other areas.

    As somebody famous once said, capitalism is a great system, except that
    it's never been tried.

    The current health care and insurance mess is entirely government-
    created, and can be solved by prohibiting governments from meddling
    in it.

    TORT (liability)
    Class action; contingency-fee lawyering; bottom-of-the-barrel jury
    selection; massive, wildly outlandish punitives, even in cases (like
    Vioxx) where the jury foreman admitted he had NO idea what the defense
    was saying.

    These all conspire to create massive risk for medical suppliers and
    their insurance companies. Who wants to be the next Johns Manville or
    Dow Corning?

    Americans are prohibited by law from purchasing insurance from outside
    their home states. Lowered competition means higher prices.

    Out-of-control tort means massive insurance hikes for industry, since
    the insurance companies' exposure is far more than it was 40 years ago.
    The hit is not just on direct malpractice insurance as bought by
    obstetricians and anesthetists, but on the makers and suppliers of
    equipment and pharmaceuticals. It's accumulative, one added on top of
    the other by the time the cost hits the final payer (often an insurance
    company, ironically).

    Many states have anti-discriminatory regulations that prevent insurance
    companies from performing the traditional actuarial assessments that
    were standard for over 200 years. This means they cannot charge
    according to perceived risk levels, so EVERYBODY's insurance goes up to
    compensate. This way they get around governmental and activist charges
    of "discrimination".

    States often have "must issue" laws. These dictate that if somebody
    applies to them for insurance, the company MUST issue a policy to the
    applicant. This has a tendency to make people avoid buying insurance
    until they actually need it, so the insurance company ends up being
    sucker-punched with immediate high costs.

    Further, states tend to have rules that dictate that if insurance
    companies wish to offer one kind of insurance in that state, that
    company must offer ALL its product lines. Withdraw one (such as flood or
    health), and they are barred from selling ANYTHING. So what happens to
    rates? They go up, of course.

    Just after WWII, the government retained wartime price controls for a
    few years. This meant that companies, desperately needing labor to meet
    demand, could not attract that labor by offering better wages than the

    They COULD offer better benefits, however, so they did. This caused a
    distortion where insurance became a business expense for the companies,
    them paying for it with pre-tax dollars. But if /you/ bought insurance
    privately, you paid for it with after-tax dollars. This is a situation
    that still exists.

    It wasn’t so bad until rates began climbing for the reasons given above,
    but it’s a real problem now. A large chunk of the "40 million Americans
    without insurance" are between jobs.

    Private insurance originally paid only for standard job billing. If
    hospitals or other medical providers wanted to make capital improvements
    to their infrastructure (buy new machines, put a new wing on the
    building, etc.), they had to do it like any other company, and save up
    for it, or take out debt at a financial institution.

    Many medical providers were initially leery of the government’s new idea
    for Medicare/Medicaid, as they were afraid they might become civil
    servants, unable to do anything outside what the governmental strings
    allowed. The government’s answer? Permit providers to add capital costs
    to their billings to Medicare/aid.

    Well guess what happened? The astronomical bills they began receiving
    from providers immediately caused big budgetary problems for the Johnson
    presidency. Johnson solved that by simply debasing the currency, which
    led directly to the ravaging inflation of the ‘70s.

    Medicare spending increased 11% last year, about 8% higher than the
    inflation rate.

    Excellent reading:
    "Hillarycare -- The Preview", by Sally G. Pipes,
    The Wall Street Journal, Oct 12th.
    Tegger, Oct 26, 2007
  3. javawizard

    Tegger Guest

    "No Child Left Behind" is government meddling. The anti-choice
    policies is government meddling. "Don't Ask Don't Tell" is government
    meddling. Laws preventing gays from adopting children or marrying
    each other is government meddling. The Democrats will reduce
    government meddling in all those areas.[/QUOTE]

    I think that unlikely, given their starry-eyed attraction to meddling in
    so many other areas.

    As somebody famous once said, capitalism is a great system, except that
    it's never been tried.

    The current health care and insurance mess is entirely government-
    created, and can be solved by prohibiting governments from meddling
    in it.

    TORT (liability)
    Class action; contingency-fee lawyering; bottom-of-the-barrel jury
    selection; massive, wildly outlandish punitives, even in cases (like
    Vioxx) where the jury foreman admitted he had NO idea what the defense
    was saying.

    These all conspire to create massive risk for medical suppliers and
    their insurance companies. Who wants to be the next Johns Manville or
    Dow Corning?

    Americans are prohibited by law from purchasing insurance from outside
    their home states. Lowered competition means higher prices.

    Out-of-control tort means massive insurance hikes for industry, since
    the insurance companies' exposure is far more than it was 40 years ago.
    The hit is not just on direct malpractice insurance as bought by
    obstetricians and anesthetists, but on the makers and suppliers of
    equipment and pharmaceuticals. It's accumulative, one added on top of
    the other by the time the cost hits the final payer (often an insurance
    company, ironically).

    Many states have anti-discriminatory regulations that prevent insurance
    companies from performing the traditional actuarial assessments that
    were standard for over 200 years. This means they cannot charge
    according to perceived risk levels, so EVERYBODY's insurance goes up to
    compensate. This way they get around governmental and activist charges
    of "discrimination".

    States often have "must issue" laws. These dictate that if somebody
    applies to them for insurance, the company MUST issue a policy to the
    applicant. This has a tendency to make people avoid buying insurance
    until they actually need it, so the insurance company ends up being
    sucker-punched with immediate high costs.

    Further, states tend to have rules that dictate that if insurance
    companies wish to offer one kind of insurance in that state, that
    company must offer ALL its product lines. Withdraw one (such as flood or
    health), and they are barred from selling ANYTHING. So what happens to
    rates? They go up, of course.

    Just after WWII, the government retained wartime price controls for a
    few years. This meant that companies, desperately needing labor to meet
    demand, could not attract that labor by offering better wages than the

    They COULD offer better benefits, however, so they did. This caused a
    distortion where insurance became a business expense for the companies,
    them paying for it with pre-tax dollars. But if /you/ bought insurance
    privately, you paid for it with after-tax dollars. This is a situation
    that still exists.

    It wasn’t so bad until rates began climbing for the reasons given above,
    but it’s a real problem now. A large chunk of the "40 million Americans
    without insurance" are between jobs.

    Private insurance originally paid only for standard job billing. If
    hospitals or other medical providers wanted to make capital improvements
    to their infrastructure (buy new machines, put a new wing on the
    building, etc.), they had to do it like any other company, and save up
    for it, or take out debt at a financial institution.

    Many medical providers were initially leery of the government’s new idea
    for Medicare/Medicaid, as they were afraid they might become civil
    servants, unable to do anything outside what the governmental strings
    allowed. The government’s answer? Permit providers to add capital costs
    to their billings to Medicare/aid.

    Well guess what happened? The astronomical bills they began receiving
    from providers immediately caused big budgetary problems for the Johnson
    presidency. Johnson solved that by simply debasing the currency, which
    led directly to the ravaging inflation of the ‘70s.

    Medicare spending increased 11% last year, about 8% higher than the
    inflation rate.

    Excellent reading:
    "Hillarycare -- The Preview", by Sally G. Pipes,
    The Wall Street Journal, Oct 12th.
    Tegger, Oct 26, 2007
  4. javawizard

    Tegger Guest

    I'm done as of this post. I've said all I want to.
    Tegger, Oct 26, 2007
  5. javawizard

    Tony Harding Guest

    True, but would you rather discuss Priuses or listen to rightwingnut
    spew? I'm reading r.a.m.h and I'd rather discuss Priuses than listen to
    rwn spew. There's no discussion or debate because that isn't how their
    minds are wired. :)
    Tony Harding, Oct 26, 2007
  6. javawizard

    Tony Harding Guest

    True, but would you rather discuss Priuses or listen to rightwingnut
    spew? I'm reading r.a.m.h and I'd rather discuss Priuses than listen to
    rwn spew. There's no discussion or debate because that isn't how their
    minds are wired. :)
    Tony Harding, Oct 26, 2007
  7. javawizard

    Tony Harding Guest

    Interesting - the stuff one learns on Usenet! :)
    Tony Harding, Oct 26, 2007
  8. javawizard

    Tony Harding Guest

    Interesting - the stuff one learns on Usenet! :)
    Tony Harding, Oct 26, 2007
  9. javawizard

    EdV Guest

    hybrid car batteries will be recycled and used in weapons of mass
    EdV, Oct 26, 2007
  10. javawizard

    EdV Guest

    hybrid car batteries will be recycled and used in weapons of mass
    EdV, Oct 26, 2007
  11. A Male Prostitute and a coward: Double Republican.
    Doctor Geller, Oct 26, 2007
  12. A Male Prostitute and a coward: Double Republican.
    Doctor Geller, Oct 26, 2007
  13. In message Prancer
    sprach forth the following:
    Stoner hasn't posted DICK that's a "fact", cuntfuck.
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007
  14. In message Prancer
    sprach forth the following:
    Stoner hasn't posted DICK that's a "fact", cuntfuck.
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007
  15. Rightarded RIPiglicans are always the first one to say something
    totally stupid and insulting, then play the victim card when they get
    spanked for it. In most sane political parties, you are an American
    first, then a member of that party. If you are a Republican, you are
    a Republican first...and then there's nothing else left... Sad.
    Doctor Geller, Oct 26, 2007
  16. Rightarded RIPiglicans are always the first one to say something
    totally stupid and insulting, then play the victim card when they get
    spanked for it. In most sane political parties, you are an American
    first, then a member of that party. If you are a Republican, you are
    a Republican first...and then there's nothing else left... Sad.
    Doctor Geller, Oct 26, 2007
  17. javawizard

    EdV Guest

    Why specifically mexican?? Last time I checked there are Canadian, and
    Asian illegals working in the US too. =)
    EdV, Oct 26, 2007
  18. javawizard

    EdV Guest

    Why specifically mexican?? Last time I checked there are Canadian, and
    Asian illegals working in the US too. =)
    EdV, Oct 26, 2007
  19. In message EdV sprach forth the following:

    Tegger seems to think illegal immigration is a racial thing, not a legal
    thing. He is wrong.

    Border Security and Immigration Reform

    The talk must stop. We must secure our borders now. A nation without secure
    borders is no nation at all. It makes no sense to fight terrorists abroad
    when our own front door is left unlocked. This is my six point plan:

    * Physically secure our borders and coastlines. We must do whatever it
    takes to control entry into our country before we undertake complicated
    immigration reform proposals.
    * Enforce visa rules. Immigration officials must track visa holders
    and deport anyone who overstays their visa or otherwise violates U.S. law.
    This is especially important when we recall that a number of 9/11
    terrorists had expired visas.
    * No amnesty. Estimates suggest that 10 to 20 million people are in
    our country illegally. That’s a lot of people to reward for breaking our
    * No welfare for illegal aliens. Americans have welcomed immigrants
    who seek opportunity, work hard, and play by the rules. But taxpayers
    should not pay for illegal immigrants who use hospitals, clinics, schools,
    roads, and social services.
    * End birthright citizenship. As long as illegal immigrants know their
    children born here will be citizens, the incentive to enter the U.S.
    illegally will remain strong.
    * Pass true immigration reform. The current system is incoherent and
    unfair. But current reform proposals would allow up to 60 million more
    immigrants into our country, according to the Heritage Foundation. This is
    insanity. Legal immigrants from all countries should face the same rules
    and waiting periods.

    See that last statment Tegger: FROM ALL COUNTRIES.
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007
  20. The sun is the major source of heat, but the level of CO2 in the
    atmosphere is very different and the cause of the radical difference
    in their climates. There are other differences as well

    Variations in solar output have an influence on the climate, but no
    more so than volcanic activity or other minor factors. At least not
    recently. The idea that it was a significant contributor to present
    day global warming was floated by some researchers (and waved like a
    flag by conservatives) a few years ago, but has now been discredited.
    The fact that solar output has dropped over the last 20 years while
    the temperature on Earth has risen should put this theory to bed.

    Grumpy was talking about rising temperatures on inner planets, but
    other than Mars and Earth, there is no evidence of this that I can
    find. Martian warming is due to albedo. There has been warming of
    some outer planets (including Pluto which still hasn't heard about its
    demotion), but nobody thinks this is due to variations in solar
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 27, 2007
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