Figuring Out How Much a Hybrid, Diesel, or Small Car Will Save Per Year

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by javawizard, Oct 19, 2007.

  1. The sun is the major source of heat, but the level of CO2 in the
    atmosphere is very different and the cause of the radical difference
    in their climates. There are other differences as well

    Variations in solar output have an influence on the climate, but no
    more so than volcanic activity or other minor factors. At least not
    recently. The idea that it was a significant contributor to present
    day global warming was floated by some researchers (and waved like a
    flag by conservatives) a few years ago, but has now been discredited.
    The fact that solar output has dropped over the last 20 years while
    the temperature on Earth has risen should put this theory to bed.

    Grumpy was talking about rising temperatures on inner planets, but
    other than Mars and Earth, there is no evidence of this that I can
    find. Martian warming is due to albedo. There has been warming of
    some outer planets (including Pluto which still hasn't heard about its
    demotion), but nobody thinks this is due to variations in solar
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 27, 2007
  2. Do you mean Ron Paul, the right-wing Republican who pretends to be a
    libertarian? Is that the Ron Paul you support?

    Good. After he loses the GOP nomination; I hope that he runs as an
    independent or a third-party candidate to siphon the whacko votes from
    the GOP,[/QUOTE]

    If he could attract all of the whacko votes, he would wouldn't lose
    the GOP nomination in the first place. Fortunately or unfortunately,
    his anti-war stance turns off a lot of the whackos.
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 27, 2007
  3. Do you mean Ron Paul, the right-wing Republican who pretends to be a
    libertarian? Is that the Ron Paul you support?

    Good. After he loses the GOP nomination; I hope that he runs as an
    independent or a third-party candidate to siphon the whacko votes from
    the GOP,[/QUOTE]

    If he could attract all of the whacko votes, he would wouldn't lose
    the GOP nomination in the first place. Fortunately or unfortunately,
    his anti-war stance turns off a lot of the whackos.
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 27, 2007
  4. I knew it was going to happen, but that hasn't diminished my enjoyment
    of the right-wing GOP meltdown one bit.
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 27, 2007
  5. I knew it was going to happen, but that hasn't diminished my enjoyment
    of the right-wing GOP meltdown one bit.
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 27, 2007
  6. I assumed the poster was volunteering to be placed in a killfile, so I
    accepted the offer.

    Elliot Richmond
    Itinerant astronomy teacher
    Freelance science writer
    Elliot Richmond, Oct 27, 2007
  7. javawizard

    Tony Harding Guest

    Excellent. :)

    I thought you lived in Canada?
    Tony Harding, Oct 27, 2007
  8. javawizard

    Tony Harding Guest

    Whoa, now you have the Bushies' attention! :)
    Tony Harding, Oct 27, 2007
  9. javawizard

    Tony Harding Guest

    Whoa, now you have the Bushies' attention! :)
    Tony Harding, Oct 27, 2007
  10. javawizard

    Tony Harding Guest

    Tony Harding, Oct 27, 2007
  11. javawizard

    Tony Harding Guest

    Tony Harding, Oct 27, 2007
  12. javawizard

    Tegger Guest


    I do.
    Tegger, Oct 27, 2007

  13. Heh... If you look back for the past forty-five years, there were a lot
    of "drunken Democrats." A lot of today's problems were birth during the
    mid 1960's such as:

    • The Great Society which has fostered dependence on guv'ment more than
    ever. LBJ's attempt to fix his legacy

    • Introducing the grand plan to remove most manufacturing from the US

    • Affirmative Action - (Don't even get me started on this one)

    • Dumbing down educational standards to accommodate sub standard students

    • Gutting the military and continuing the Truman doctrine to not win any

    • And then that nasty immigraion bill/law that you mentioned

    Anyone want to continue on all the damage Carter caused?


    Grumpy AuContraire, Oct 27, 2007

  14. Heh... If you look back for the past forty-five years, there were a lot
    of "drunken Democrats." A lot of today's problems were birth during the
    mid 1960's such as:

    • The Great Society which has fostered dependence on guv'ment more than
    ever. LBJ's attempt to fix his legacy

    • Introducing the grand plan to remove most manufacturing from the US

    • Affirmative Action - (Don't even get me started on this one)

    • Dumbing down educational standards to accommodate sub standard students

    • Gutting the military and continuing the Truman doctrine to not win any

    • And then that nasty immigraion bill/law that you mentioned

    Anyone want to continue on all the damage Carter caused?


    Grumpy AuContraire, Oct 27, 2007

  15. Yes I do and it didn't work so why should we try it again?

    Grumpy AuContraire, Oct 27, 2007

  16. Yes I do and it didn't work so why should we try it again?

    Grumpy AuContraire, Oct 27, 2007

  17. Were you duped by the Swiftboat Liars, or did you willingly believe
    their lies?

    If you believe *anything* Kerry sez, you're dumber than you sound.

    Kerry = Bucket of unwanted pig vomit

    Grumpy AuContraire, Oct 27, 2007

  18. Were you duped by the Swiftboat Liars, or did you willingly believe
    their lies?

    If you believe *anything* Kerry sez, you're dumber than you sound.

    Kerry = Bucket of unwanted pig vomit

    Grumpy AuContraire, Oct 27, 2007
  19. javawizard

    ACAR Guest


    Anyone with a sick child recognizes just how mean spirited it is to
    allow health insurance costs be tied to a person's "risk." Yes,
    everybody shares the cost. That's called a community.

    If you think the current tangled web of federal and state insurance
    regulations weren't put there by the insurance companies themselves
    then you haven't been following this issue. Health insurance companies
    aren't the solution, they are the problem.

    If not for the war in Iraq out of control health care costs would
    dominate the next general election.

    Stick to cars, Tegger.
    ACAR, Oct 28, 2007
  20. javawizard

    ACAR Guest


    Anyone with a sick child recognizes just how mean spirited it is to
    allow health insurance costs be tied to a person's "risk." Yes,
    everybody shares the cost. That's called a community.

    If you think the current tangled web of federal and state insurance
    regulations weren't put there by the insurance companies themselves
    then you haven't been following this issue. Health insurance companies
    aren't the solution, they are the problem.

    If not for the war in Iraq out of control health care costs would
    dominate the next general election.

    Stick to cars, Tegger.
    ACAR, Oct 28, 2007
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