Figuring Out How Much a Hybrid, Diesel, or Small Car Will Save Per Year

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by javawizard, Oct 19, 2007.

  1. I would if I could.

    I've spent quite a few hours in the cockpit of a C-130 BTW.[/QUOTE]

    And did the nice pilot man pin plastic wings on you?
    Michelle Steiner, Oct 25, 2007
  2. javawizard

    Tegger Guest

    Um...your Google skills leave a bit to be desired.

    US military involvement in Cambodia in 1970 is a matter of
    (very accessible) historical record.
    Tegger, Oct 26, 2007
  3. javawizard

    Tegger Guest

    Um...your Google skills leave a bit to be desired.

    US military involvement in Cambodia in 1970 is a matter of
    (very accessible) historical record.
    Tegger, Oct 26, 2007
  4. javawizard

    dbu. Guest

    Michelle was in Army intellegence, she would know would'nt she? I would
    think. Maybe.....

    Sort of like John Kerry's trip up the Mekong, LOL.
    dbu., Oct 26, 2007
  5. javawizard

    dbu. Guest

    Michelle was in Army intellegence, she would know would'nt she? I would
    think. Maybe.....

    Sort of like John Kerry's trip up the Mekong, LOL.
    dbu., Oct 26, 2007
  6. In message Tegger sprach forth
    the following:
    Heheheheh. Looks like plonking Ms. Stoner is already paying dividends.
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007
  7. In message Tegger sprach forth
    the following:
    Heheheheh. Looks like plonking Ms. Stoner is already paying dividends.
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007
  8. javawizard

    Tegger Guest

    All the items you list as needing fixes require LESS government
    meddling, not more. And not just "different" meddling either, but
    actually LESS. None, ideally.

    Government should be outright prohibited from meddling in almost any
    area of human life. Hey, I sound just like Thomas Jefferson, an American
    hero of long standing.

    The Democrats want far, far more meddling than the US has ever seen
    since, oh, since the first election won by Bush II, or maybe since LBJ,
    or maybe since FDR, or maybe since Wilson. All of whom were disastrous
    executives, highly destructive of the American dream.

    Indeed the current crop of Dems seem to be drooling, gasping,
    masturbating, absolutely slavering over the prospect of wielding ever
    more POWER. Just look at Pelosi's current insane attack against an
    empire that died 85 years ago.

    Any "train wrecks" suffered by the US have been directly caused by the
    fact that government legislators, regulators and bureaucrats can do
    whatever they or their lobbyist puppetmasters want, without any sort of
    repercussions at all.

    Would I vote for Ron Paul? No. He's a statist conservative, not a
    Jeffersonian liberal. And he is most certainly no "libertarian", even as
    he lays claim to that label.

    Ron Paul wants government control of *this* type, but not *that* type.
    He seems to think this makes him obviously different from your general
    type of statist who wants government control of *that* type but not
    *this* type. Ron, get a clue.

    Would I vote Democrat? No. They are statist socialists in all but name,
    and are as dangerous as are all true-believer statists who want, very
    very desperately, to force their views on other people, under penalty of

    Government is the problem, not the solution. So said Jefferson 200 years
    ago, and so it is still true.
    Tegger, Oct 26, 2007
  9. javawizard

    Tegger Guest

    All the items you list as needing fixes require LESS government
    meddling, not more. And not just "different" meddling either, but
    actually LESS. None, ideally.

    Government should be outright prohibited from meddling in almost any
    area of human life. Hey, I sound just like Thomas Jefferson, an American
    hero of long standing.

    The Democrats want far, far more meddling than the US has ever seen
    since, oh, since the first election won by Bush II, or maybe since LBJ,
    or maybe since FDR, or maybe since Wilson. All of whom were disastrous
    executives, highly destructive of the American dream.

    Indeed the current crop of Dems seem to be drooling, gasping,
    masturbating, absolutely slavering over the prospect of wielding ever
    more POWER. Just look at Pelosi's current insane attack against an
    empire that died 85 years ago.

    Any "train wrecks" suffered by the US have been directly caused by the
    fact that government legislators, regulators and bureaucrats can do
    whatever they or their lobbyist puppetmasters want, without any sort of
    repercussions at all.

    Would I vote for Ron Paul? No. He's a statist conservative, not a
    Jeffersonian liberal. And he is most certainly no "libertarian", even as
    he lays claim to that label.

    Ron Paul wants government control of *this* type, but not *that* type.
    He seems to think this makes him obviously different from your general
    type of statist who wants government control of *that* type but not
    *this* type. Ron, get a clue.

    Would I vote Democrat? No. They are statist socialists in all but name,
    and are as dangerous as are all true-believer statists who want, very
    very desperately, to force their views on other people, under penalty of

    Government is the problem, not the solution. So said Jefferson 200 years
    ago, and so it is still true.
    Tegger, Oct 26, 2007

    Looks like there are four good candidates.

    Bob Wilson
    Bob & Holly Wilson, Oct 26, 2007

    Looks like there are four good candidates.

    Bob Wilson
    Bob & Holly Wilson, Oct 26, 2007
  12. In message dbu.
    sprach forth the following:
    Yeah, the kind of "intelligence" that said Saddam had WMDs.
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007
  13. In message dbu.
    sprach forth the following:
    Yeah, the kind of "intelligence" that said Saddam had WMDs.
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007
  14. In message Tegger sprach forth
    the following:
    Yeah, how dare the United States meddle in the internal affairs of other
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007
  15. In message Tegger sprach forth
    the following:
    Yeah, how dare the United States meddle in the internal affairs of other
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007
  16. In message Tegger sprach forth
    the following:
    I'm sure you're ready to back that claim up with documented citations,
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007
  17. In message Tegger sprach forth
    the following:
    I'm sure you're ready to back that claim up with documented citations,
    Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute, Oct 26, 2007

  18. Spin it anyway you want.

    Your sheeple attitude (and knowledge) reveal you for what you are... Not

    Grumpy AuContraire, Oct 26, 2007

  19. Spin it anyway you want.

    Your sheeple attitude (and knowledge) reveal you for what you are... Not

    Grumpy AuContraire, Oct 26, 2007
  20. javawizard

    dbu. Guest

    get out of here.. You are a smoker like the jsb/larrymoe circle jerk.
    dbu., Oct 26, 2007
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