First glitch in 2004 Accord auto trans

Discussion in 'Accord' started by JXStern, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. JXStern

    JXStern Guest

    Had the Accord EX sedan 4-banger for six months and have so far
    thought the automatic the best I've ever driven. Power train keeps
    the revs low when cruising, downshifts quickly and smoothly when I
    need some acceleration.

    This was especially good because the 1999 Acura CL 3.0 I had, had a
    tranny that never worked right off the lot, only worked well for about
    two weeks after it got a flush at 30k miles. Whenever I wanted
    acceleration, there would be about a two second pause, then too often
    a double-downshift when one was more appropriate, engine racing,
    quickly upshifted, ... sucked.

    For the first time yesterday, I saw this bad behavior in my new
    Accord. I was lugging the engine downhill at about 15mph, waiting for
    some slow congestion in the intersection to clear. Finally it
    cleared, just as the light turned yellow. I tried to accelerate
    towards 30mph to clear the intersection, and ... pause ...
    double-downshift, etc. Blech.

    All the time I had the Acura I thought it was just the design and
    programming of the power train, then it turned out to be a chronic
    malfunction (how widespread it might be, I have no idea - many
    discussions of it with the dealer, before and after, turned up nothing
    like facts or enlightenment). So, if I get this again in the Accord,
    I guess I can try to chat up the dealer, with whatever prospects.

    So far this has not repeated.

    With all the trouble and recalls on the tranny with the bigger engine,
    one has to be a bit paranoid. Anyone know if it's the same
    transmission, between the 4cyl and 6cyl models in 2004?


    JXStern, Jul 8, 2004
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