FIx a door ding on a new Accord?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by RonW, May 31, 2004.

  1. RonW

    RonW Guest

    I have a new Accord (<1000 mi). Someone in a lot banged their door against
    the car, and I now have a very small ding along the "hip" of the door. The
    ding is about 1mm wide and probably a little less than that deep. However,
    the metal is very slightly distorted about 1mm above and below.

    Is there some (reasonable) way to have this fixed without taking the door
    apart and repainting?

    If the car were a few years (or even months!) old - I wouldn't care so much.

    RonW, May 31, 2004
  2. RonW

    BBTACO Guest

    Look in your phone book for "paintless dent repair." They use special tools
    that slide down into the door and they then work the dent out from the
    BBTACO, May 31, 2004
  3. RonW

    mike Guest

    their dealer could probably recommend a guy too, or tell him when the guy
    will be at teh dealership next. dealers have those guys out to go through
    all the used cars.
    mike, May 31, 2004
  4. RonW

    RonW Guest

    Thanks for the info. How good are these repairs? Sounds like you don't need
    to take the door apart? What would they charge for something like this?
    RonW, Jun 1, 2004
  5. RonW

    mike Guest

    i saw a guy firsthand doing it at an autonation franchise a few years ago.
    talked to him a bit as he worked- my friend was there looking at used cars.

    they try to work through existing holes in the area, but sometimes have to
    drill a hole to get the "pick" in. on a door, hed do this in the door lock
    area, and reach his tool in to massage the dent out. any holes drilled are
    covered with a black rubber plug. the holes are usually only .25" pretty
    unnoticible, IMO.

    it doesnt work very well if the dent is on a body contour line. he said if i
    needed a simple dent done, it would be about $30 and i could just call the
    number on his card and meet him at a local dealer next time hes in the area.

    its kinda cool... he sticks these pieces of wire with a handle through the
    hole, theres a 90 degree bend and a sharp pick at the end. he feels around,
    finds the center of the dent, and levers the dent out, with a massaging
    motion. the dent seems to disappear before my eyes. cool stuff!
    mike, Jun 1, 2004
  6. RonW

    RonW Guest

    Thanks - I'll check it out with my local dealer...
    RonW, Jun 1, 2004
  7. no, no, no dealer. I just had a big door ding taken out of my
    Accord two days ago by the Dent Wizard. Prices vary for each
    area, but I would expect to pay $50.00 to $100.00. It's worth
    it. go to their to find one in your area

    I've used them several dozen times with great success. I
    wouldn't use anyone else.

    .·°~ §LëAzZÿ WëA§ëL ~°·.

    {ô¿ô} WrOnG NuMbEr RoCoCcO, yOu .·°~ §LëAzZÿ WëA§ëL ~°·.
    .·°~ §LëAzZÿ WëA§ëL ~°·., Jun 1, 2004
  8. Huh? You want to give the dealer his markup?

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 2, 2004
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