Fix-A-Leak for power steering, Accord 93

Discussion in 'Accord' started by WooHoo2You, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. WooHoo2You

    WooHoo2You Guest

    My wife's Accord is leaking power steering fluid. I bought the Fix-A-Leak
    product, I figure 4 dollars is worth a try. However, from what I
    understand, Hondas require special power steering fluid. Basically, will it
    hurt her car? Even if I have seen this product on store shelves for years,
    I could not find any information online about the company. The package
    states it is compatible with "most" cars.

    Otherwise, the car is in near mint condition, and I had it repainted last
    week. It would be a shame to destroy it a Honda. (I love my Civic)

    Thanks in advance for any help.
    WooHoo2You, Jan 29, 2006

  2. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    If you know where the leak is coming from, please tell us. Maybe it
    would be less risky to fix the leak rather than 'polluting' the PS
    fluid. . .

    'Curly Q. Links', Jan 29, 2006
  3. WooHoo2You

    Eric Guest

    It's not worth it in my opinion.
    Yes, you need to use Honda's PSF. Generic PSF (or ATF) will cause the seals
    in the rack to fail.
    "Most cars" probably doesn't include Honda.
    I agree. My recommendation would be to fix the leak problem. If it's a
    hose that's leaking then replace it. If the pump is leaking, which usually
    occurs as the front seal, then the seal can be replaced. If the rack is
    leaking, then the best route would be to replace the rack with a rebuilt

    Eric, Jan 29, 2006
  4. WooHoo2You

    WooHoo2You Guest

    It seems to be coming from the main reservoir, or from the tube that runs
    under it. However, not being three feet tall, my hands are little large to
    get to the problem without removing a number of unrelated pieces of the

    My question, would I be 'polluting my system or not?
    WooHoo2You, Jan 29, 2006
  5. Count me in on the chorus that thinks it is awfully risky. Many cars use
    Dexron ATF or similar for power steering fluid, while Hondas won't tolerate
    it. I fear you may damage the seals in the rack and be far worse off than
    you are now.

    In my experience unseen power steering leaks are from hoses, usually the
    high pressure side. Those are not going to be sealed by any additive because
    of the pressures. Maybe you can get a hand on the hose ends (where the hoses
    attach to the metal fittings) near the pump with a paper towel to look for
    wetness. If the hose is wet, replacing the hose is the only fix.

    Michael Pardee, Jan 29, 2006
  6. WooHoo2You

    WooHoo2You Guest

    Thanks Mike & Everyone , if it would not hurt my wife's car, it was worth a
    try. However, from what is the common opinion here, I will definitely try
    to repair it myself, or if I am unable to do so, get it fixed ASAP. I am a
    manager in a grocery store, so returning the item will not present a
    WooHoo2You, Jan 29, 2006
  7. WooHoo2You

    karl Guest

    Date: Sun, Jan 29 2006 12:13 am

    Radiator Speciality Company makes a

    .. "Power Steering Fluid for Honda Vehicles"

    "Specifically formulated to meet the Requirements
    of Honda vehicles."

    What experience, if any, do people have with this

    karl, Jan 30, 2006
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