fixed my passenger window off track stuck halfway, 1st DIY, damn proud

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Orick, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. Orick

    Orick Guest

    I got an used 97 Civic EX 2 door a couple of monhts ago. Squeegeed my
    windows at the gas station last night, some soapy water must have
    gotten in and gotten the rubber channel slippery. The window went half
    way up and got stuck. Could still hear the motor whining.

    I thought damn, it's going to cost $200 to fix it because that's what
    my coworker paid a few weeks ago for similar problem. Went home and
    dug out the factory manual, well there was a section on window
    adjusting, so I though what the heck, I will try it.

    All I had in the tools department is a couple of screwdrivers, a flash
    light and a leatherman multitool (just moved here a few months back).
    It took me about one and half hour to do it. Most of that time was
    spent trying to put the door panel back on. Now it works ok.

    1st, I popped off the speaker cover, then unscrewed 3 screws around
    the speaker. Unscrewed the power window control and pulled it up.
    Unplugged the wire. Pulled the door panel until the clips came off.
    Tried to remove door, didn't work. After checking, realized inner door
    handler needs to be taken off, manual didn't say that. The little
    screw for that was hard to get off since my screwdriver was a bit fat.
    The platic piece comes off by twisting and sliding it over the handle
    while pulling on the handle. Easy and fun once you figure it out.

    Tried to pull door off and didn't work. After checking and reading
    manual, found out I need to disconnect spearker cabled. Next time,
    read the whole procedure through first. Pulled the speaker out a bit
    and unplugged the wires. Ouch, got a metal splinter from the back of
    the speaker where the magnet has been gather stuff. Dropped the
    speaker on my toes, another ouch, it's heavy.

    Pulled the door off with some force and sliding it up. Finally worked.
    Man, it looks ugly inside. The manuals says to take off the plastic
    cover. Hmm... it's glued on. Ok, start pulling, tttzzzsss.. rip. Not
    good, it's for water proofing right? Dama, time for tape. Taped it
    back up. Spread some glue around the rip. Looks good. What the heck, I
    am in SoCal, get rain twice a year.

    Well, gave up on the plastic cover. There is still some opening to
    work with. Kept reading the manaul and figured it out it was the front
    channel the window popped out of. Well, thank goodness for leatherman,
    took the nut off the channel after some swearing and force. Scaped my
    knuckles when it suddenly gave. Third ouch.

    Poked my hand through opening and wiggled the channel, seems to be
    loose now. Pluged the power windown button back on, click window down
    while wiggling channel, windown went down, Yes!!!

    Kept wiggling channel trying to pop the window back on track, hoping
    to heck I won't break the window. Sudden, pop! Did it break? no. "Yes,
    it's innnnn!"

    Quick sorry to startled neighbour walking by. Back to work. clicked
    the window up and down a few times, it's working. Time for a break and
    a drink. Stood up, stretch, knocked something, crush, damn, dropped
    the flash light and broke it. Tool count down to 3 and another 10 mins
    wasted in cleaning up. Time to buy a another flashlight, and not metal
    one either.

    Time to put everything back, should be easy. Well, it's not, the door
    panel won't go back. Everything was in the way. The power mirror
    cover, the handle, the bracket that you screw in the arm rest. Brutal
    force over and over again, no luck. And the damn inner molding won't
    slip over the inner frame and started to come loose. Time to read
    manual again.

    Well, the mirror cover is supposed to be removed. But the arm rest
    bracket isn't mentioned, well, it's metal and bendable so what the
    heck. Some more brutal force, damn, the inner molding came loose. Took
    everything off, put the inner molding back on, bend the clips in tight
    with leatherman, try again.

    Brutal force, brutal force, brutal force, bracket stil in the way.
    Took it off, only two screws. brutal force, brutal force, yeah, door
    panel on. Click window up and down. Something sound not right. Oh,
    inner molding got in the way. Click window down, stick screwdriver in
    and start wiggling until the molding is out of the way. Back to the

    Next step, put mirror cover back, hey where is it? Damn, it's stuck
    inside the door panel. Good thing I haven't popped the clips back in.
    Took panel off, took mirror cover out, held it up and out of the way
    with elbow. Brutal force, brutal force, panle back on, screw driver
    wiggle, pop mirror cover back on, pop the clips back on, slip handle
    cover back on, screw it in, screw arm rest/power window button back
    in, wait, no place to screw it to. Right, find bracket, put it back
    in, screw in the bracket, screw in the arm rest. Plug in the speaker,
    screw the speaker back in, pop the speaker cover back on. Done!!!!

    What's this lying on the floor? Extra clip and another screw, oh well.
    Turn the car on, window works, speaker works, drive a bit, no rattle.
    All good.

    Well, that's my first real DIY job on a car not counting changing
    tires and the time I tried to fix the alarm and ended up pull the plug
    on it instead. As you can tell, I am clumsy. Damn it, I am a
    Mechanical Engineer, not a Mechanic, there is a big difference.
    Anyways, It actually worked, I am proud!!!

    Outcome: Working window

    Tools: Small leatherman multitool (good for nuts, bending and most
    useful), Flat head screwdriver (good for poping things off), Philips
    screwdriver (good for screws), flashlight (nearly useless, now

    Injuries: Metal splinter in index finger(speaker), scraped
    knuckle(channel nut), bruised toe (speaker and wearing sandals), cut
    on back of hand (mystery)

    Leftover: one screw (arm rest bracket, I think), one door clip.

    Futher action: silicone lube.
    Orick, Aug 27, 2004
  2. FYI, had the same problem in my '97 ex. The window kept popping out
    of the track and would stick halfway up. Wasn't resolved until the
    motor was replaced (maybe the $200 job your coworker had done?).
    Lenny Fackler, Sep 1, 2004
  3. FYI, had the same problem in my '97 ex. The window kept popping out
    of the track and would stick halfway up. Wasn't resolved until the
    motor was replaced (maybe the $200 job your coworker had done?).
    Lenny Fackler, Sep 1, 2004
  4. Orick

    Orick Guest

    FYI, had the same problem in my '97 ex. The window kept popping out
    Yeah, I think he was told that the motor was losing power and wasn't
    strong enough to raise the window the whole way up.

    Anyways, I bought the silicone lube and sprayed it. Now both windows
    go up and down at the same speed.
    Orick, Sep 7, 2004
  5. Orick

    Orick Guest

    FYI, had the same problem in my '97 ex. The window kept popping out
    Yeah, I think he was told that the motor was losing power and wasn't
    strong enough to raise the window the whole way up.

    Anyways, I bought the silicone lube and sprayed it. Now both windows
    go up and down at the same speed.
    Orick, Sep 7, 2004
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