flapping/clonking noise from somewhere around drivers side door Please Help!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by brent, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. brent

    brent Guest

    i have a 2003 honda odyssey and have this problem. i have been up and
    down this car and cannot find what is making this noise. it definitly
    seems to be wind related as it does not do it at low speeds and when
    the wind direction is right it doesn't do it at all. ive tried looking
    at the obvious ie wheel well, molding, etc. does anyone have any
    suggetions. i'm going to take it to the dealer tommorrow but fear that
    they will tell me they fixed it only to get on the road and have it
    happen again as i drive home so i'm trying to save myself the
    aggravation by asking here. thanks
    brent, Feb 9, 2004
  2. brent

    brent Guest

    follow up turns out it was the wiring harness/tempguage for the
    rearview mirrior temp and compas that was located in underneath the
    brent, Feb 9, 2004
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