Following the ABS troubleshooting steps; Have any suggestions?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by scube, Mar 26, 2006.

  1. The pedal sinking to the floor is pretty classic for master cylinder
    trouble. Most often the pedal holds up if you keep a lot of pressure on it,
    then sinks if you lighten the pressure.

    Michael Pardee, Apr 1, 2006
  2. scube

    scube Guest

    I'm thinking also the master cylinder is bad, perhaps I'll replace it
    this weekend. Man, this repair list on my car is growing fast!!

    I'm wondering though, if that would have an effect on the ABS not
    working. Is there a pressure test or something that could detect a
    faulty master cylinder and shut the ABS off? Mind you, the ABS only
    turns off after vehicle movement, not startup.

    My rear brakes make a rubbing noise, sorta like when you put new
    brakes pads on and they haven't mated w/ the rotors. I inspected the
    pads and they are fine, so I was wondering if the parking brake could
    need adjusting? Could this be causing the ABS 'turn off'?

    Thanks so much everyone...
    scube, Apr 1, 2006
  3. scube

    scube Guest

    I'm thinking also the master cylinder is bad, perhaps I'll replace it
    this weekend. Man, this repair list on my car is growing fast!!

    I'm wondering though, if that would have an effect on the ABS not
    working. Is there a pressure test or something that could detect a
    faulty master cylinder and shut the ABS off? Mind you, the ABS only
    turns off after vehicle movement, not startup.

    My rear brakes make a rubbing noise, sorta like when you put new
    brakes pads on and they haven't mated w/ the rotors. I inspected the
    pads and they are fine, so I was wondering if the parking brake could
    need adjusting? Could this be causing the ABS 'turn off'?

    Thanks so much everyone...
    scube, Apr 1, 2006
  4. ======

    you need to find that connector and pull the ABS codes.
    It's going to save you some time.

    look again.
    The connector should be under the glove box area.

    If you're emails operating I'll send you a diagram.

    Marsh Monster, Apr 1, 2006
  5. ======

    you need to find that connector and pull the ABS codes.
    It's going to save you some time.

    look again.
    The connector should be under the glove box area.

    If you're emails operating I'll send you a diagram.

    Marsh Monster, Apr 1, 2006
  6. scube

    scube Guest

    yeah, my email works. I have diagrams from a shop manual. Is it
    the same connector that the 'check engine' light uses? I'll look some
    more. would it be under the rug or something?
    I jumpered the connector that I found, but only the check engine
    light came on (did not flash).
    scube, Apr 2, 2006
  7. scube

    scube Guest

    yeah, my email works. I have diagrams from a shop manual. Is it
    the same connector that the 'check engine' light uses? I'll look some
    more. would it be under the rug or something?
    I jumpered the connector that I found, but only the check engine
    light came on (did not flash).
    scube, Apr 2, 2006
  8. =======
    No...different connector.

    The ABS light will flash codes when the correct connector is jumpered.


    and let us know.

    Marsh Monster, Apr 2, 2006
  9. =======
    No...different connector.

    The ABS light will flash codes when the correct connector is jumpered.


    and let us know.

    Marsh Monster, Apr 2, 2006
  10. scube

    scube Guest

    okay, I'll look. I tested my car in a long parking lot the other
    day and tried out some scenarios.
    There is no time related issue with the error. It is all speed
    related. As long as I stay below 10 MPH the light stays off. When I
    go above that it pops on, so I'm guessing it is a speed sensor. When
    I ohm'd out the speed sensors I got 0 ohms through one or two of them.
    Is that normal or acceptable? Could these be bad?
    I don't think the pump would be bad as there is no timeout issues
    with pressure or anything, but I guess I won't have anymore data until
    I check that connector. It'll have to wait a week, I'm away from my
    automobile. Thanks for the replies and help...
    scube, Apr 3, 2006
  11. scube

    scube Guest

    okay, I'll look. I tested my car in a long parking lot the other
    day and tried out some scenarios.
    There is no time related issue with the error. It is all speed
    related. As long as I stay below 10 MPH the light stays off. When I
    go above that it pops on, so I'm guessing it is a speed sensor. When
    I ohm'd out the speed sensors I got 0 ohms through one or two of them.
    Is that normal or acceptable? Could these be bad?
    I don't think the pump would be bad as there is no timeout issues
    with pressure or anything, but I guess I won't have anymore data until
    I check that connector. It'll have to wait a week, I'm away from my
    automobile. Thanks for the replies and help...
    scube, Apr 3, 2006
  12. ----------------------

    Have you read the codes yet?? You seem to be pursuing an untamed

    Car moves above 10 km/hr, abs looks for sensors to 'CHECK IN', they
    don't, ABS light comes on.

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 3, 2006
  13. ----------------------

    Have you read the codes yet?? You seem to be pursuing an untamed

    Car moves above 10 km/hr, abs looks for sensors to 'CHECK IN', they
    don't, ABS light comes on.

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 3, 2006
  14. scube

    scube Guest

    no codes yet. I'm away from my car now and was just tossing around
    some speculation. Since I can't play w/ it I've got to find someway to
    still mess with it.. Thanks for your help here...
    scube, Apr 4, 2006
  15. scube

    scube Guest

    no codes yet. I'm away from my car now and was just tossing around
    some speculation. Since I can't play w/ it I've got to find someway to
    still mess with it.. Thanks for your help here...
    scube, Apr 4, 2006
  16. scube

    scube Guest

    The pictures in the Email I got were not available. They didn't show
    up in my email and the picture link says they are temporary out of
    order. ALLDATA Online. Oh well...
    scube, Apr 10, 2006
  17. scube

    scube Guest

    The pictures in the Email I got were not available. They didn't show
    up in my email and the picture link says they are temporary out of
    order. ALLDATA Online. Oh well...
    scube, Apr 10, 2006
  18. scube

    scube Guest

    Hey all,
    I've torn apart everything near and around my right passenger door
    kick panel except all the carpet. I only see 1 two-input connector
    and it is quite visible. I can't find anything else aound there and I
    read here that the engine diagostic SCS is NOT the same as the ABS
    diagnostic SCS. But, It is the only one I can find!
    Assuming for a minute that this IS the same as the engine
    diagnostic SCS,
    I get no codes from the ABS light.

    My car is a manual 93 honda accord and the ABS light comes on after
    driving when the speed climbs to about 10mph (not before that speed
    though) and stays lit solid until the ingnition key is turned off and
    back on.

    I'm thinking it is a wheel speed sensor, which the manual says each
    sensor should have about 1000 - 1600 ohms resistances, and I get
    roughly zero ohms resistance.

    I guess the ABS control unit will remeber the diagnostic error from
    when I drove my car above 10mph and the light came on solid. So, when
    I turn my car off it will keep it in memory? Then, when I jumper the
    SCS it should recall this code and display it? Is this correct?

    I guess I'll try to jumper the connector I found once more and see
    what happens.
    scube, Apr 11, 2006
  19. scube

    scube Guest

    Hey all,
    I've torn apart everything near and around my right passenger door
    kick panel except all the carpet. I only see 1 two-input connector
    and it is quite visible. I can't find anything else aound there and I
    read here that the engine diagostic SCS is NOT the same as the ABS
    diagnostic SCS. But, It is the only one I can find!
    Assuming for a minute that this IS the same as the engine
    diagnostic SCS,
    I get no codes from the ABS light.

    My car is a manual 93 honda accord and the ABS light comes on after
    driving when the speed climbs to about 10mph (not before that speed
    though) and stays lit solid until the ingnition key is turned off and
    back on.

    I'm thinking it is a wheel speed sensor, which the manual says each
    sensor should have about 1000 - 1600 ohms resistances, and I get
    roughly zero ohms resistance.

    I guess the ABS control unit will remeber the diagnostic error from
    when I drove my car above 10mph and the light came on solid. So, when
    I turn my car off it will keep it in memory? Then, when I jumper the
    SCS it should recall this code and display it? Is this correct?

    I guess I'll try to jumper the connector I found once more and see
    what happens.
    scube, Apr 11, 2006
  20. scube

    Mike Romain Guest

    So you are basically saying that you have one shorted out ABS sensor
    and the light is on bitching about it.

    I would just replace the sensor......

    You could always just pull the light bulb that is annoying you or put
    some black elictrical tape over it.....

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    Mike Romain, Apr 11, 2006
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