For Sale 89 Honda Accord DX

Discussion in 'Honda Parts For Sale / Trade' started by Clint S., Feb 20, 2006.

  1. Clint S.

    Clint S. Guest

    Hello Folks,

    I have a 89 Honda Accord DX Hatchback for sale. The car has 270,000 miles
    on it and is not able to be driven. (starts and runs but burning coolant)
    The head had one of the cooling jackets wear through to the number 2
    cylinder. The head was removed, welded and rebuilt and then reinstalled
    along with a new timing belt and new Holly Carb. and EVL solenoid. The bad
    news is, the head is still leaking and this point in time I DO NOT want to
    put any more money into the car. I'm ASKING $800.00 or B/O to cover my
    costs of the new parts.

    The body and paint on the car are in great shape and you could more than
    make your money back in the parts on this car alone. If you are interested
    and live in the Penngrove, California area then send me an email for more



    Your Portion Of Light

    Whether you are a brilliant flame or
    but a tiny spark matters not-for the world
    needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.
    Clint S., Feb 20, 2006
  2. Clint S.

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    and a blown motor. bob in N.E.Ohio
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Feb 20, 2006
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