For SUV haters

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Leon, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. Leon

    Leon Guest
    SUV's don't belong in city streets.
    Leon, Jun 11, 2004
  2. Leon

    SAC 441 Guest

    Well,since we are into hating a whole class of the motoring public for
    silly and frivolous reasons,I will add that I think that BICYCLISTS do
    not belong on city streets either;but then again,nobody really CARES
    what I think and I really doubt anyone cares what you think either as
    minorities of one generally do not carry much weight a regards public
    domain usage.
    SAC 441, Jun 11, 2004
  3. Leon

    tomk Guest

    hopefully they pass that law before Hybrid SUVs hit the
    street or else they wont have valid cause to ban them.

    its just like cell phones, you curse the ones who have em
    until you get one for yourself.

    the world gets less free with every new law.
    tomk, Jun 12, 2004
  4. Leon

    Sean D Guest

    Agreed. There's always some special interest group who wants something and
    anything banned just because they don't like it or it's perceived as being
    dangerous, be it cell phone or SUVs. The funny thing is that neither are
    dangerous if responsibly used. They only law that would have any real
    benefit would be to ban stupidity. Then all the problems would be solved.


    Sean D, Jun 12, 2004
  5. Leon

    DTT Guest

    Who care what those BlueCheeses want to do in their city. I never ever
    come to their country, nor buy their product.
    DTT, Jun 12, 2004
  6. Should the US return the Statue of Liberty then?
    Vince McGowan, Jun 12, 2004
  7. Leon

    tomk Guest

    be careful with the word Never, thats a word that only the
    naive(french) and ignorant use. those Michelins on your Honda
    wouldn't be French would they?
    tomk, Jun 13, 2004
  8. Leon

    Milleron Guest

    The ban on stupidity would certainly help! I agree with you on that.
    In defense of the French, though, I don't think their main objection
    is safety of the SUVs. It's environmental. The Greens are very
    powerful politically throughout Europe. As citizens of oil-importing
    nations, vehicles like SUVs used in roles other than "Sports-Utility,"
    are offensive to them. They have every right to voice an objection to
    anything they feel is not in the best interest of their society. If
    the majority of their fellow citizens agree, SUVs and, presumably,
    other gas-guzzlers will be limited in some way. If the majority feel
    otherwise, they will not. It's what we call democracy, not stupidity.

    Milleron, Jun 13, 2004
  9. I assumed it was a space issue. Many (most?) European cities are much
    older than the US ones and have pretty narrow streets. It might be the
    case that Paris (not Hilton) has streets on which an SUV couldn't pass
    another SUV going the opposite direction.
    Vince McGowan, Jun 13, 2004
  10. The passing of laws to satisfy some prejudice of a majority is *not*
    democracy - it's mob rule and is treading a fine line approaching fascism!
    We all belong to some "minority" of the population in some way or another
    and it is the job of a democratic govt. to defend minorities against
    prejudices, however they were cultivated. Unfortunately we seem to be
    living in times where govt. takes upon itself the role of disseminator of
    lies and half-truths, usually based on the ubiquitous junk science, in
    order to appear to be the protector of society in general - a cheap and
    tawdry trick which has more to do with self-aggrandizement of the political
    manipulators than any notion of altruism.

    While I hate SUVs as much, or even more, than most, and have said as much
    several times in this NG, I am vehemently against laws to ban them, even in
    specific areas such as cities. I just figure that, if govt. is allowed to
    act so capriciously on a routine basis, sooner or later they're going to
    get around to banning something to which I (and everyone else) attach some

    Besides, for the "purposes" of the politicos in the article, it would
    appear that a big car would fit their agenda for banning just as easily as
    an SUV. You only have to observe the behavior of many (majority of) SUV
    drivers to see that they are fundamentally selfish, unaware individuals: as
    well as insisting they *need* the vehicle, they ignorantly hog the left
    lanes of freeways even when the lanes to the right are sparsely populated;
    they apparently cannot live without running their fog-lamps with low-beams,
    even when following another vehicle; they love their high commanding view
    without being able to conclude that if we all had SUVs their highness:)
    would be nullified, etc. etc.

    My point form the above is that taking away their SUVs is not going to
    change their character - the people will always be a public nuisance.:-(

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 14, 2004
  11. Leon

    LBJGH Guest

    I'd like to see a two laws enacted to protect the public:

    1. SUV's, Pickup's and Vans would not be allowed to have a full frame ahead
    of the front axels and
    2. There be a maximum driver's seat height for all non-commercial vehicles
    be mandated.

    These two design requirements would save thousands of lives each year by
    making the roads safer for people who do not drive the gas-guzzling,
    dangerous SUV's, Pickups and Vans.

    .... then all drivers would be treated fairly.
    LBJGH, Jun 14, 2004
  12. Leon

    SAC 441 Guest

    I think I will buy one of those WW2 vintage re-conditioned Sherman
    battle tanks and drive it on the highways and byways........that way
    'defensive driving' won't be a concern,even with ego-centric idiots who
    pilot SUV's.
    SAC 441, Jun 14, 2004

  13. They will just run out and buy the new Abrams based SUV.

    This is exactly the reason why some things have to be regulated and
    regulated properly.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 15, 2004
  14. Leon

    tomk Guest

    this post has turned into an argument advocating communism.
    communism is a great ideal, but good luck in america.
    y'all are talking like a bunch of nazi's, single out the ones that
    are different from you and limit their freedoms.

    my buddy is 6'4 270(muscle) and he is super uncomfortable
    in a midsized car. therefore he drives either a caddy or a jeep.
    both of which share similar mass and a similar threat to others.
    the nazi in you wants to hinder his lifestyle to enhance your own.
    go to the source, don't ban the SUVs, ban the ones who need/want
    them. get rid of the ones who inconvience you in order the live like
    you. why should you have to park a few spaces further to accomodate
    the guy with no legs, its not YOUR problem.

    as George said, sooner or later they will tread on you soil and YOU
    will be the victim. instead of trying to lower people to your level, try
    raising yourself...called tolerance and progress.
    tomk, Jun 15, 2004
  15. Leon

    Milleron Guest

    Good points all, George. All except the one about the prejudice of
    the majority. It's difficult for me to see how the majority's
    insistence on conservation of precious resources, some of which are
    nonrenewable, would be construed as a "prejudice." I doubt that you
    are vehemently against all conservation laws, and in the minds of many
    of these Parisians, I believe this may be simply about conservation --
    conservation of fossil fuel and conservation of precious and vanishing
    space on city streets. Just because one has the financial wherewithal
    to deplete these resources doesn't mean that society must allow him to
    ingratiate himself simply to protect the individual's freedom of
    choice. In indulging himself, he is, in effect, taking away the
    freedoms of his fellow citizens, as you point out so eloquently.
    Although I'd stop short of calling laws enacted by elected
    representatives mob rule, I think I hate capricious usurpation of my
    rights almost as much as you. However, I fail to see how these views
    can be classified as "capricious."
    As Churchill said (to paraphrase) "Democracy is the worst possible
    form of government . . . except for all the others."

    Milleron, Jun 15, 2004
  16. Leon

    LBJGH Guest

    6'4 270(muscle)... muscle or fat he could fit in a Mercedes Smart car that
    gets 80 mpg.... size has nothing to do with it... maybe the size of one's
    LBJGH, Jun 15, 2004
  17. Leon

    SoCalMike Guest

    nothing an aftermarket 9" lift kit wont get around...

    unless they ban those, or the cops actually *enforce* bumper-height
    laws. seems they only do that if they wanna pic on you anyway.
    SoCalMike, Jun 15, 2004
  18. Leon

    Pars Guest

    The term SUVs can span a wide range of vehicle. For example, at one end of the
    spectrum we have the Mazda Tribute and at the other end there's the Hummer. A
    vehicle like the Tribute is designed for the Urban environment while the Hummer
    is not. It makes sense to have the owner pay a premium to own the real trucks
    since they are special purpose vehicles. The simplest way to impose this premium
    without getting political is to hike gas prices and increase the gas tax for new
    vehicles (while giving a credit to those vehicle that are fuel efficient) .
    Personally, I'm looking forward to the higher gas prices so that the pompous
    assholes driving the SUVs (not all SUV owners are assholes) will pay!

    An out right ban on SUVs does seem like a poor way to manage the issue. But, a
    city like Paris could get away with it since the streets can only accommodate
    smaller cars. I don't see any up roar about banning tractor trailers from
    neighborhood streets here in North America.

    98 DX Hatch (~40mpg)
    Pars, Jun 15, 2004
  19. Hmmm, it's difficult for me to see where to draw the line here when it
    comes to waste of resources when I look around at the profligate waste
    everywhere. Is it right for the "majority" to define its level of waste as
    the appropriate one for all of society? SUVs are to be banned but river
    pleasure craft whose fuel consumption is measured in gallons per mile are
    overlooked? Everyone is doing something which accelerates resource waste.
    Singling out SUV owners is prejudice.
    I visited Paris ~6months ago and it didn't seem that much different,
    traffic circulation-wise than when I lived there many years ago. The
    street air may have been slightly less smelly of exhaust fumes since they
    adopted the catalytic converter and stricter emission controls... only
    12years ago. The space on city streets is still overloaded to near
    saturation point, as in most large cities, and banning SUVs is not going to
    change that.
    If you want to prevent the richer folks from over indulging, there are many
    other things in their lifestyle which would yield much larger conservation
    if that's what you're after. It's a thorny issue though... which is
    generally attacked with taxation of some form, e.g. the recent entry
    charges to inner London. Then again, overdo it and they leave and take
    their tax contribution with them.
    As in most major cities there is a whole host of vehicles which are much
    larger than average: commercial vans & pickups, minivans, which are very
    popular in France among the well off, and large cars which take as much
    space as many SUVs. With the fairly recent cross-over vehicles I think
    they're going to have a hard time defining "SUV" but considering all the
    other conspicuous "wasters", singling out the SUV for an outright ban is
    capricious to me. There's no single line which can be drawn, but they are
    going to draw one anyway.
    One of the "problems" with democracy as implemented is that whomever is
    elected generally proceeds as though they have a mandate to enact whatever
    crackpot idea du jour they come up with. Just because they've been elected
    does not mean that they actually represent the opinion of the majority for
    every single issue. Add in their efforts to shape public opinion -- with
    today's media access, usually successfully -- and I believe that far too
    often, and certainly in this case, they are exeeding the terms of their

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 15, 2004
  20. Leon

    SoCalMike Guest

    i dont have em cruising through my neighborhood. on surface streets,
    theyre forced to use "truck routes"- major thoroughfares, unless theyre
    making a delivery.

    theres hardly any room for them to make a 90 degree turn anyway.
    SoCalMike, Jun 15, 2004
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