For SUV haters

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Leon, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. Do you think you could fix your Shift Key?
    I said: "like ethanol FFVs"... which is Mr. Daschle's pork... when he's not
    stealing U.S. err, "military surplus" equipment.
    Hmm, carry a big stick.
    The lack of "self-sustaning" is precisely why the U.S. has such a strong
    interest in political stability around the world. With the rogues who are
    in high positions in the U.N., somebody has to pick up the slack.
    No need to apologize to the French - they did quite well out of the Iraq
    Oil-for-food fraud. Total siphoned up the err, spare oil, BNP-Paribas got
    to hold the escrow account -- which the CPA had a helluva job prising from
    their grubby hands -- and a few high officials pocketed the spoils - no
    wonder the buggers didn't want us to invade.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 21, 2004
  2. Leon

    SoCalMike Guest

    the idea was a lil "thank you" for "electing" him. want pork? when one
    of halliburtons trucks in iraq gets a flat tire, they buy a new truck.

    thats pork.
    SoCalMike, Jun 21, 2004
  3. Leon

    SoCalMike Guest

    and propping up israel.
    or start wars. we have never "won" a war weve started.
    and we dont want to drill for more of our oil until weve used all yours
    SoCalMike, Jun 21, 2004
  4. Leon

    pars Guest

    That's some powerful market force that can fluctuate the price of gas by
    over 20% in a matter of couple of hours.

    pars, Jun 21, 2004
  5. Leon

    pars Guest

    Who knows, perhaps the large sedans are next on the chopping block. It'd be cool to
    see a city that only has mini cars.

    pars, Jun 21, 2004
  6. If you think what we have now is efficient, you must be smoking crack.
    A third of the money goes toward just administering the private
    insurance maze.

    The Wall St. Journal published an article a few weeks ago which
    discussed a study showing that, when measuring outcomes, the US
    medical care was no better (or worse) overall than several other
    selected countries (I seem to recall UK, Canada and Japan). The other
    countries had nationalized health care (of course) and spent only a
    fraction of what we do.

    They also published a survey about a week ago showing that 63% of
    Canadians were very or somewhat satisfied with their health care
    compared to 48% in the UK and 27% in the US.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 21, 2004
  7. US military spending is way ahead of China and everyone else.

    Top ten military budgets. The WMEAT list (in billions): (1) U.S.,
    $281.0; (2) mainland China, $88.9; (3) Japan, $43.2; (4) France,
    $38.9; (5) UK, $36.5; (6) Russia, $35.0; (7) Germany, $32.6; (8)
    Italy, $23.7; (9) Saudi Arabia, $21.2; (10) Taiwan, $15.2.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 21, 2004
  8. How? What is the implementation? Who is going to be nominated to decide
    what is too big and how is he going to fo that? Do you think they'll stop
    at what you perceive as "mini car"? Are they going to have car-size
    police, like we now have tobacco police in certain places? Hmm, why stop
    at mini-cars? I'm sure that the same people who want to ban SUVs will be
    only too ready capitalize on a complete car ban when it suits them. Then
    they'll move on to regulating bicycles. Are you getting the idea yet?;-)
    If people behave like sheep, they deserve to be treated like sheep.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 21, 2004
  9. Evidence for that last sentence and the fate of the truck with the flat
    It's a very small piece of pork compared with the costs to the U.S.
    population of the creation of a support system for freak vehicles like FFVs
    and the biomass fuel to run them... at an unsustainable energy loss.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 21, 2004
  10. (Gordon McGrew) wrote in
    I wasn`t refering to the money end. the care is for the most part the
    fastest and most efficient in the world. There is a reason those with
    money come to the US for health care.
    The cost is outrageus because the people are insulated from the real
    cost by insurance, paid for by the employer much of the time, so they go
    for every little thing, driving the cost up even more. Get rid of
    insrance paying the bill directly with a medical savings account and let
    the people shop for their doc and you would see a big change when they
    pay the bills directly. KB
    This means nothing since perception is not reality. the US
    respondents think they are owed health care. Since ins. pays they have no
    clue how good they have it. No one is owed health care. ownly in the last
    generation has this crazy notion been put forth. In the past it was known
    you had to pay for it yourself. KB
    Kevin Bottorff, Jun 21, 2004
  11. Leon

    K5 Guest

    Hell, ban all cars. Bikes and feet only. Except for me and my car of
    K5, Jun 21, 2004
  12. Leon

    K5 Guest

    Well, what other force would it be? The state is not setting the price.
    K5, Jun 21, 2004
  13. Leon

    Leon Guest

    The situation in Iraq now is much worse than it was under Saddam, nobody
    can deny this. Iraq has evolved into the largest terrorist state and this
    is raising oil prices worldwide. Hopefully it will get better (for
    everyone's sake), if not and Iraq's neighbors become unstable, I see
    myself riding a mule to work.

    As far as SUVs go, they are hostile to other cars both in a crash AND in
    parking lots, too big, high bumpers etc. BTW, my friend's comment was
    that "the French don't make a SUV worth shit" that's the reason they don't
    want them. I still stand "SUVs don't belong in city centers" because none
    of the SUVs owned by people I know (lots of SUVs) have ever been off road
    (on purpose LOL).
    Leon, Jun 21, 2004
  14. Are you aware, Sputnikbreath, that Germany's had national health
    coverage since Bismarck (not the herring) united Germany circa 1870,
    i.e., more than 130 years ago? It's simply not an issue in Europe, not
    even old Adolf & his merry band of Nazis sought to undo that.
    Vince McGowan, Jun 21, 2004
  15. Leon

    SoCalMike Guest

    india and east asia too.
    SoCalMike, Jun 21, 2004
  16. Leon

    K5 Guest

    So what? If Japan, NATO members and Korea actually paid for their own
    defense instead of the US doing it for them this would not be the case.
    K5, Jun 22, 2004
  17. Leon

    Dick Gozinya Guest

    $1.00 Canadian
    Dick Gozinya, Jun 22, 2004
  18. Leon

    tomk Guest

    by that reasoning we should all be driving smart cars as somebody
    mentioned. relative to smart cars ALL american cars pose a similar
    threat as SUVs do.
    so get out of you big honkin accord and drive a smart'll make
    parking lots smaller and cause less fatalities
    tomk, Jun 22, 2004
  19. Leon

    pars Guest

    In Canada, the guys controlling, Sunoco, Shell, Petro Canada, Esso (which
    comprises about 95% of the gas stations in Toronto) probably go golfing
    together. Personaly, I'm not upset about the actuall price of gas, I just hate
    getting my chain yanked.

    98 DX Hatch
    pars, Jun 22, 2004
  20. Leon

    pars Guest

    There shouldn't be any conflicts between 'freedom to choose' vs 'quality of life for
    future generation'.

    A dumb animal may unwittingly consume everything until there's nothing left and go
    extinct. I'd like to think that we're a little smarter then that. If we can't curb our
    own appetite, then some freedoms need to have controls.

    pars, Jun 22, 2004
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