For SUV haters

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Leon, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. Do Smart Cars have lower bumpers than Accords? If so, they wouldn't
    be legal on US roads. If not, then they are crash compatible and the
    Accord would not represent a threat proportional to that posed by SUVs
    to mid-size cars.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 22, 2004
  2. Is someone forcing us to do this? We pay the bills because we want to
    call the shots. If you doubt that, look how Bush cajoled some of them
    into making a (token) contribution to Iraq and how they berated the
    others for not getting involved in his foolhardy endeavor. Nobody
    wanted to go into Iraq, except W. So of course we went into Iraq. If
    the US military budget was $88B, this fiasco would never have
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 22, 2004
  3. Leon

    tomk Guest

    i agree.
    being at the end of GenX i'm upset at the state of the world being
    left for us. my generation will be seen as the greatest generation yet.
    but first we need to clean up after the last 100 years of bigotry, wars,
    enviromental and moral destruction. i am grateful for the economic
    prosperity of this country however. but not at the cost of our freedoms.

    my professor had to leave class early one day to pick up her 12 yr old
    son at the city jail. he was arrested for sexual harrassment for mooning
    a classmate and his teacher called the police. the boy has ADHD.
    tomk, Jun 22, 2004
  4. Leon

    Rex B Guest

    ||i agree.
    ||being at the end of GenX i'm upset at the state of the world being
    ||left for us.

    You are welcome :)

    || my generation will be seen as the greatest generation yet.

    Well of course. When are you guys going to get started on that?

    ||but first we need to clean up after the last 100 years of bigotry, wars,
    ||enviromental and moral destruction.

    Better get started. And remember the Law of Uninteded Consequences, which is
    what got us all that.

    || i am grateful for the economic
    ||prosperity of this country however. but not at the cost of our freedoms.

    I hope you are grateful that, by pure blind luck, you weren't born the 8th child
    of an Ethiopean share-cropper.

    ||my professor had to leave class early one day to pick up her 12 yr old
    ||son at the city jail. he was arrested for sexual harrassment for mooning
    ||a classmate and his teacher called the police. the boy has ADHD.

    Is that relevant, or did you just throw that in?
    Are you bemoaning the loss of Freedom of Mooning?

    Texas Parts Guy
    Rex B, Jun 22, 2004
  5. Leon

    K5 Guest

    The point - that you flagburners conveniently overlook - is that the US
    defense budget is larger than other nations because we defend more than just
    K5, Jun 22, 2004
  6. When it comes to finite resources there is always a conflict in that
    respect... unless some new technology is found... which is not the case
    right now.
    So you think that your appetite is the correct one, or are you willing to
    cut yours... and by how much? And what the hell does that have to do with
    SUVs in Paris and a bunch of finger-waggers and head-nodders in their local

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 22, 2004
  7. The supply/demand "market" is fluctuating the price of gas... modulated
    significantly by the futures/options traders. If you want to find a
    culprit, look to Chicago BOT and other such institutions.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 22, 2004
  8. I suggest you do a little research before spouting such rubbish. The
    impact on world oil prices of the "situation" in Iraq is only a secondary
    one, as with any regional, political instability. Iraq has not had a
    significant effect on oil supply for a while now - their infrastructure has
    been broken since Saddam Hussein decided to milk it for his personal
    gain... which was only encouraged by the corrupt high officials in the U.N.
    I agree with your sentiments on SUVs completely as far as choice of a
    vehicle. Where we apparently differ is on whether they should be declared
    illegal... in city centers or anywhere else. Even though that would
    probably make me personally quite happy, *then* I'd start to worry about
    when the finger-waggers are going to get around to banning something I
    value. From my POV, people have the right to make stupid choices, even
    those which inconvenience me - happens all the time.:-(

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 22, 2004
  9. Leon

    pars Guest

    I'm working on cutting mine. I just need to control my desire for Viva Puffs :-o
    I suppose the French bureaucrats only had selfish intent, but their actions is similar to
    would occur if we really needed to curb gas consumption.


    Just that SUVs tends to b
    pars, Jun 23, 2004
  10. Leon

    pars Guest

    Those market influence would not have such an immediate and drastic impact on the
    actual price of gas at the pumps. Given that there is clear patterns to price
    fluctuation (price tends to be down every monday) it would indicate a degree of
    control from the oligopoly.

    pars, Jun 23, 2004
  11. LOL. Hi, I'm from the US Government. I'm here to defend you.

    But now that you mention it, don't you neocons claim that national
    defense is the only legitimate function of the US government? When
    did defending other nations become part of the program?

    AS for our intentions toward other nations, I already addressed that
    in the portion of my post which you chose to snip. Let me reattach it
    for you:

    We pay the bills because we want to
    call the shots. If you doubt that, look how Bush cajoled some of them
    into making a (token) contribution to Iraq and how they berated the
    others for not getting involved in his foolhardy endeavor. Nobody
    wanted to go into Iraq, except W. So of course we went into Iraq.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 23, 2004
  12. Leon

    K5 Guest

    I pointed out why the statistic was misleading. That's all. Why do you
    Saddam-lovers always try to obscure simple facts with these shrieking
    subject-changing rants?
    K5, Jun 23, 2004
  13. This NG used to be a pretty good NG where we talked about Hondas &
    related things and was free from the right-wing US political crappola
    spewed across so many other groups; but now it's here, too. <sigh>
    Vince McGowan, Jun 23, 2004
  14. Leon

    Randolph Guest

    You have got to be kidding. Gen X is probably the laziest and most
    clueless generation ever. And as for the environment, Gen X will forever
    be known as the generation that couldn't walk, their mommies had to
    drive them everywhere.

    And in the interest of full disclosure, I am either a late baby boomer
    or an early Gen x, depending on who you ask.
    Randolph, Jun 23, 2004
  15. Well as an emm, older person, who also listened to my parents and
    grandparents, I can inform you with some authority that the "state of the
    world" environment-wise right now is a big improvement on what it was years
    ago: in the days of horse-drawn carriages the major cities all stank of
    horse shit and urine and as a secondary result were breeding grounds of
    disease; in the first half of the 1900s most of Western Europe used coal
    fires for indoor heating and coal-gas for cooking, heating and even
    lighting; coal was also used to power rail transport. All of this made a
    helluva mess which was quite visible on buildings and caused all sorts of
    health problems.

    Christ, don't they teach you any history at all? All you have to do, as a
    generation, is to try to keep the momentum of improvement going, without
    fucking anything up. It's a big job with heavy responsibility and to tell
    the truth I'm not sure you lot are up to it... too bloody soft IMO but
    there may be some hope.;-)
    Sounds like you've been paying too much attention to the nightly gossip
    show that passes for "news". The truth is not that easily acquired.
    When I was young we didn't have ADD or ADHD. We had something called
    discipline which was applied as needed and it was a great aid in keeping us
    on the right path for all sorts of things... including instilling in us the
    importance of correct grammar, punctuation and various other assets
    considered essential for participating in society.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 23, 2004
  16. But of course they do - that's what sets the spot price for any commodity.
    When there's any hint of political instability, the traders start pushing
    the price based on speculation, i.e. gambling. What??... you don't think
    the gas station owner and distributor is going to check out the latest spot
    value of what's sitting in his tanks and err, adjust the price accordingly.
    Sorry, I don't think there's any conspiracy here. I don't see the same
    patterns here anyway.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jun 23, 2004
  17. Leon

    SoCalMike Guest

    look at pictures of los angeles from the mid-60's. it was a friggin pea
    soup of smog, even with less cars on the road.

    smog controls can be a good thing.
    SoCalMike, Jun 23, 2004
  18. Leon

    tomk Guest

    being of genX we don't have mommies...they were swallowed by the
    work force in the 40s and 50s thanks to the wars. if, by luck, we do have
    a parental figure they do have to drive us everywhere because now we
    can't drive til 18 and we can't walk anywhere without being stopped by

    my 30 yr old brother got away with 10x as much as i could ever. what
    was once mischief, your generation has deemed it a crime.
    keep taking away our activities(skateboarding, night basketball, sledding,
    hell, snowball fights are assault now) and our parks...we'll make our own
    and release our energy other ways...maybe we'll bash cars for fun or go
    dads gun.
    tomk, Jun 24, 2004
  19. Leon

    Randolph Guest

    That reminds me, not only is Gen X the laziest and most clueless
    generation, they are also the most whiny.
    Randolph, Jun 24, 2004
  20. Leon

    Leon Guest

    I am really glad to see that people have principles and place their
    principles over their personal convenience.
    Leon, Jun 24, 2004
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