For SUV haters

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Leon, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. Leon

    pars Guest

    Perhaps some of the bums deserve a beating, but the cops should not be allowed
    to wreck their own vengeance when threatened. Their trained to handle a
    dangerous situation in a certain manner and if they can not fall back on their
    training when the going gets tough, they should not be cops.

    pars, Jul 1, 2004
  2. Leon

    K5 Guest

    Cops should be highly trained and professional: no question. But they
    can/should/will get tough when they are attacked by these
    anarchists/"homeless"/bums/criminals. The vast majority of sane citizens
    expect them to and support them when they do it.
    K5, Jul 1, 2004
  3. Leon

    pars Guest

    Dishing out punishment is for the courts, not the cops.

    Cops are being paid good money because they're expected to handle a dangerous
    situation. Perhaps in the small towns, where the picking is slim, you can end
    up with a dense goon to do the policing. But around here, especially in a big
    city, you’d expect better. Mindlessly beating on the culprit is not a good way
    to exercise crowd control.

    pars, Jul 1, 2004
  4. Leon

    K5 Guest

    Don't make it unnecessarily complicated. It's simple. It goes like this:
    throw rock at cop, get ass kicked.
    They're not paid good money relative to the hazards of the job. The way you
    handle a dangerous mob of misfit losers running amok is to kick their asses
    when they start throwing rocks. Notice how the ass kicking only starts
    after the rock throwing starts. Again, behave yourself, don't attack police
    and you won't get your ass kicked. And the rest of the community can live
    in peace.
    Ah, yes, we provincial types just don't understand the nuanced and
    sophisticated expectations of the liberal elites in the cosmopolitan cities.
    Maybe if we sipped more cappucinno we would become more enlightened.
    K5, Jul 1, 2004
  5. Leon

    TomP Guest

    tomk, Are you a moron or what?

    Or, are you unable (or unwilling) to recognize fiction when you see it?


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    TomP, Jul 3, 2004
  6. Leon

    SnThetcOil Guest

    i went to see the movie sunday night at a sold out showing. i was
    You went to see a movie to get facts? was a movie for crying out
    and a movie full of *lies*.

    With all due respect, don't be a sucker.

    To respond via e-mail, simply take the, "REMOVEXX" out of my return e-mail
    SnThetcOil, Jul 5, 2004
  7. Leon

    Red Cloud Guest

    How can a documentry film is lying? All the stuff in F9/11 are all facts
    and proved by the video. There is no acting part on the film
    Red Cloud, Jul 5, 2004
  8. Leon

    Rex B Guest

    On 5 Jul 2004 00:35:29 -0700, (Red Cloud) wrote:

    || (SnThetcOil) wrote in message
    ||> >i went to see the movie sunday night at a sold out showing. i was
    ||> >surprised to see the lack of grey hair. 80% of the movie-goers
    ||> >were 16-30. could it be that there is finally a medium my gen
    ||> >can relate to and respect to gain political awareness. one that is
    ||> >not censored by the Righties.
    ||> >
    ||> >go see the movie, then come back and call my genereation lazy
    ||> >and whinny. we DO give a f*ck and we're taking bush and his
    ||> >administration out so we can get back to progress.
    ||> You went to see a movie to get facts? was a movie for crying
    ||> and a movie full of *lies*.
    ||> With all due respect, don't be a sucker.
    || How can a documentry film is lying? All the stuff in F9/11 are all facts
    || and proved by the video. There is no acting part on the film

    Which is exactly why we need to reinstate competency tests before issuing
    voter's registration cards.
    Texas Parts Guy
    Rex B, Jul 5, 2004
  9. Leon

    Milleron Guest

    Documentary?!? What color is the sky in your world? There are
    hundreds of articles all over the newspapers, magazines (even liberal
    rags like Newsweek), and the Internet pointing out all the grotesque
    inaccuracies and downright prevarications in this foul piece of trash.
    Now I'm not a fan of Bush, and I probably will vote Democrat in
    November, but Michael Moore is nothing but slime mold growing in the
    crawl space of America's house. To call this movie a documentary is a
    travesty. It is nothing more than 100% biased propaganda that Moore
    and his lackeys get gullible, uninformed "Americans" and
    America-haters to pay $10 a head to see. Some have said that it may
    actually violate slander and libel laws because it knowingly
    propagates false derogatory material about individuals.
    It seems to me to be a sad, sad day when my country stoops to doing
    pure politics at the movies. Although he's done some good work in the
    past, Moore and this "film" make me want to throw up. He's wickedly
    clever to have discovered a way to make himself fabulously wealthy
    pandering to the prejudice of the radical left, but he's revolting.
    Milleron, Jul 5, 2004
  10. Leon

    SAC 441 Guest

    Are you saying that Michael Moore was probably smoking 'wacky terbacky'
    when he made the film?

    [And how did this thread digress so far?]
    SAC 441, Jul 5, 2004
  11. Leon

    Red Cloud Guest

    Moore is an opportunitist just like any American. His mission is making
    money just like any American. You just can't blame on him. Look at Hollywood
    all the crapy shit movie coming out. So sicked so sad how bad these movies
    are but who cares. EVeryone here in AMerica is making money in any way possible.
    Moore is no exception.
    Red Cloud, Jul 6, 2004
  12. Leon

    Milleron Guest

    Rubbish. Everyone in the whole world is trying to turn a profit, but
    not all of us are trying to do it "in ANY way possible," as you claim.
    Although not alone in his approach, Moore is an exception. He is one
    of the many who believe that the ends justify the means -- including
    inaccuracies, lies, and slander in his public denigration of an
    individual he doesn't like -- but if you try to paint us all with that
    brush, you're just not very well informed.
    Which brings me back to your original statement that "All the stuff in
    F9/11 are all facts and proved by the video." If you believe that,
    I'd like to talk to you about some Enron stock that I think can be a
    real winner for you.
    Milleron, Jul 6, 2004
  13. Leon

    Brubl69 Guest

    ---Call the hypebole squad, chief...
    ---We each lead our life according to our own personal precepts. Thus, in any
    way possible, according to our own personal moral code.
    ---Like Bush doesn't? Fight fire with fire....
    -- including
    ---Such as Bush's lies about WMD and Hessein? Plus, if Moore were guilty of
    slander he would be in a courtroom right now.
    -- but if you try to paint us all with that
    ---Right: First thought on YOUR mind is, "Cheat the sucker" Ends don't justify
    the means? No doubt Moore's a demagogue but he is fun and entertaining and no
    one dies while he is getting even with his foe. Bush is the spawn of Satan and,
    even worse, the Grandson of a Senator (I ain't no Senator's Son, I ain't no
    fortunate one...). He needs to be stopped soon before we all become slaves. I
    laugh when that idiot talks about "Our Democracy" We don't have a Democracy in
    the USA (...and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one Nation, under God,
    indivisible...) and if we did, Bush would't be President. He didn't get a
    majority of votes cast in the last Presidential election. The Supreme Court
    steam-rollered the will of the the People. God Bless us all.....
    Brubl69, Jul 6, 2004
  14. Leon

    Red Cloud Guest

    You are in AMerica. What do you think Bush, Cheney, Rumsfled, Moore,
    all have in common? THey do not care about you. They own care for themselve
    which is making money. They are all profitteer. Bush, cheney are war-profitter
    and Moore is anti-war-profitter.

    NO I don't think so. Bush is one who is using bomb and threat to bring
    his own justice at the end.

    I'm well informed. I wouldn't listen from FOX news junkies like you.
    And how can anyone saying F9/11 is lying. EVery piece is a real live
    shot video tape. How can anyone saying it is slander?

    Enron stock is Bush's work. Blame Bush, not Moore. There is not a
    single tihng Moore has made it. It's all Bush's and Cheney work.
    Blame Bush team, not Moore. You are blaming at wrong guy, or you just
    stick your ass when you saw the Enron tragedy and you will believe Bush
    is doing fine then blaming at other. I would not discuss anymore. I think
    politic in AMerica is nut. I wouldn't talk now on about this topic.
    Red Cloud, Jul 7, 2004
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